Independent Director

Example Definitions of "Independent Director"
Independent Director. A member of the Board of Directors who is not an officer or employee of the Manager or any Affiliate thereof and who otherwise is independent in accordance with the rules of the NYSE or such other securities exchange on which the Common Shares may be listed
Independent Director. Means an independent director as defined in Rule 4200(a)(15) of the Nasdaq Marketplace Rules.
Independent Director. Shall mean a member of the Board who would be determined to be “independent” under any applicable law, rule or regulation, or under the requirement of any securities exchange upon which any of the Company’s securities may be traded.
Independent Director. A member of the Board who (1) qualifies as an independent director under applicable laws and regulations, including, but not limited to (A) Delaware law, (B) the independence standards of the NASDAQ and (C) the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, (2) is affirmatively determined to be an independent director by the Governance Committee of the Board, (3) excludes, for the purposes of this Agreement, the Majority Stockholders, any of their respective Relatives, Family Members, or... Affiliates, and (4) excludes, for purposes of this Agreement, any Person that is or was a present or past employee or advisor of any company with which any of the Majority Stockholders has been involved and any Person that is, or was in the past, related or affiliated in any way to any of the Majority Stockholders, including, without limitation, any Affiliates of IGT or SP/R. View More
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