
Example Definitions of "Index"
Index. The British Bankers Association fixing of the London Inter-Bank Offered Rate for 1-month U.S. Dollar-denominated deposits as reported by Reuters through electronic transmission. If the Index is no longer available, or is no longer posted through electronic transmission, Lender will choose a new index that is based upon comparable information and provide notice thereof to Borrower.
Index. The SNL Office REIT Index.
Index. Means collectively, any presently existing or hereafter developed index that seeks to track a synthetic long exposure to the LBMA Gold Price and synthetic short exposure to the U.S. dollar expressed in terms of a basket of reference currencies or a single reference currency (based on the spot exchange rate or shortest tenor forward points associated with an applicable currency pair), which Thomson Reuters, or any Thomson Reuters Affiliate, may, from time to time, calculate and/or otherwise... maintain, including any and all proprietary data and/or other information related thereto and Intellectual Property Rights therein. For the avoidance of doubt, each Index's exposure to the specified currency (or currencies) (i.e., an index's purpose and scope) shall be determined by a combination of the spot rate and/or the forward points with the shortest available duration or tenor for the given currency (or currencies). Such exposure is intended to be a one-day exposure (or the shortest available duration or tenor for the given currency (or currencies)), but the Parties recognize that such exposure could extend to multiple days due to weekends, local holidays and market closures. View More
Index. The word index is used herein to mean the U.S. City Average Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (revised series) 1984 = 100 issued from time to time by the Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics or any successor agency that shall issue the index or any other measure hereafter employed by the Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics or any successor agency in lieu of such index. If there be any controversy as to the measure to be substituted, then the controversy shall be... resolved by arbitration. The arbitrators shall be guided by the intention of the parties hereto to modify the minimum annual rent to reflect upward changes in the cost of living. The fees and expenses of arbitration shall be borne by Landlord and Tenant. View More
Index. Means the SNL U.S. REIT Hotel Index prepared by SNL Financial LC, or, in the event such index is discontinued or its methodology significantly 3 changed, a comparable index selected by the Committee in good faith. A company shall be an "Index company" only if it is listed on the Index for the entire Measurement Period.
Index. Means the SNL US REIT Equity Index.
Index. Shall mean the Russell Microcap Index, as issued by Russell Investments, Inc., or, if such Index is no longer published or the Committee determines that such Index no longer appropriately represents the Company's peer group (as measured by market capitalization), such other index as the Committee shall determine in its sole discretion.
Index. The underlying index for each Fund
Index. United State Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Price Index, Subgroup "All Items," for All Urban Consumers—San Francisco / Oakland, (1982-84 = 100).
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