Insurance Costs

Example Definitions of "Insurance Costs"
Insurance Costs. Landlord's actual costs to carry the insurance customary to insure the Premises and the Building for fire, extended coverage, vandalism, malicious mischief and other commercially reasonable endorsements deemed advisable by Landlord, insuring all improvements on the Premises (including Tenant's improvements), and all leasehold improvements thereon and appurtenances thereto (excluding Tenant's merchandise, trade fixtures, furnishings, equipment, and personal property) for the full actual... replacement value thereof, with such commercially reasonable deductibles as Landlord deems advisable. "Increase" shall mean any increase in the Property Taxes (except as set forth above) and the actual cost of the Insurance carried by Landlord over and above the cost for same in the Base Year (and with respect to Insurance, shall include increases resulting from a change in the nature of Tenant's occupancy, any act or omission of Tenant, increased valuation of the Premises and/or premium rate increase after the Base Year). Notwithstanding the foregoing, Increases shall not include any increase due to any new type of insurance or coverages, unless the Insurance Costs for the Base Year are increased by the amount of the premium Landlord would have incurred had Landlord maintained such type of insurance during the Base Year. View More
Insurance Costs. All costs incurred by Landlord associated with the insurance required to be maintained by Landlord pursuant to this Lease, including premiums and any deductible required to be paid by Landlord under any such policy.
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