Intellectual Property

Example Definitions of "Intellectual Property"
Intellectual Property. All know-how, ideas, concepts, trade secrets, Confidential Information, proprietary information, research, developments, mask works, moral rights, design rights, industrial property rights, rights in and to inventions, Improvements, and as-yet-undeveloped ideas, patent rights, patent applications, patents and any other intellectual property rights in any jurisdiction in the Territory including modifications and other applications using or based upon the resulting technology or required for the... use of such technology wherever such concepts, designs, design changes, modifications, research, and developments might apply and which are created, developed, conceived, discovered, collected or prepared pursuant or related to the Developed Products including, but not limited to, patents set forth on Schedule 4 to this Agreement View More
Intellectual Property. All of the following owned by or issued or licensed to or by Company and used or held for use primarily in connection with the Camera Business: i. All inventions (whether patentable or unpatentable and whether or not reduced to practice), all improvements thereto and all patents, patent applications and patent disclosures, together with all reissuances, continuations, continuations—in—part, revisions, extensions and reexaminations thereof; ii. All trademarks, service marks, trade dress, logos,... trade names, URL domain names and corporate names, together with all translations, adaptations, derivations and combinations thereof and including all goodwill associated therewith, and all applications, registrations and renewals in connection therewith; iii. All copyrights and all applications, registrations and renewals in connection therewith; and iv. All trade secrets and confidential business information (including ideas, research and development, know-how, formulas, compositions, technical data, specifications, pricing and cost information, and business and marketing plans and proposals) View More
Intellectual Property. Shall mean, to the extent created by DESIGNER or any of its members or employees and relating to Products, any and all of the following, (i) patents and pending patent applications (including, without limitation, any and all patent applications, non-provisional patent applications, provisional patent applications, design patent applications, continuation applications, substitute applications, divisional applications, continuation-in-part applications, or any patent claiming priority or benefit... thereto, or issuing therefrom, including any division, continuation, continuation-in-part reissue, reexamination, extension or renewal patent or improvement) whether now existing or filed in the future, in the United States or any foreign country, (ii) copyrightable works, in any medium of expression, (iii) trade names, service marks, trademarks, logos and tag lines, including all goodwill associated therewith, (iv) inventions, ideas, concepts, processes, methods, compositions of matter, materials, compounds, improvements, prototypes, discoveries, know-how, trade secrets, works of authorship, art, designs, developments, contributions, findings, experimental results, reports, proposals, studies, research, manufacturing techniques, protocols, procedures, specifications, confidential information, advertising and promotional materials, copy, graphics, themes, strategies, products and kits, whether or not protected and/or registrable under patent, copyright and/or trademark or similar laws, (v) other similar intellectual property or proprietary rights anywhere in the world; (vi) related know-how and rights to obtain, register, perfect and enforce any right or interest in and to any of (i) through (v); and (vii) the right to sue for present, past and future infringement in connection with any right or interest in any of (i) through (vi), in each case, whether now existing or created in the future, anywhere in the world. For the avoidance of doubt, "Intellectual Property" does not include any of the items or rights described in subsections (i) through (vii) above relating to products or component concepts or designs that are not accepted by CLIENT and described in Exhibit B or a writing in the form of Exhibit B pursuant to Section 3.a. hereof. View More
Intellectual Property. The Product, any improvements thereto and all related inventions, rights in confidential information (including know-how and trade secrets) and any other intellectual property rights, now or hereafter owned, acquired or developed by or on behalf of MDI or MDI's Affiliates or third party contractors to MDI, as the case may be, during the term of this Agreement, in each case whether registered or unregistered, and including all applications for and renewals or extensions of such rights, and all... similar or equivalent rights or forms of protection. View More
Intellectual Property. Any and all (by whatever name or term known or designated) tangible and intangible and now known or hereafter existing (a) rights associated with works of authorship throughout the universe, including, without limitation, all exclusive exploitation rights, copyrights, neighboring rights, moral rights, and mask-works, (b) trademark, trade dress, and trade name rights and similar rights, (c) proprietary information, confidential information and trade secret rights, (d) patents, designs (... including without limitation packaging designs), algorithms, and other industrial property rights, (e) all other intellectual and industrial property and proprietary rights (of every kind and nature throughout the universe and however designated), whether arising by operation of law, contract, license, or otherwise, and (f) all registrations, applications, renewals, extensions, continuations, continuations in part, divisions, reexaminations or reissues thereof now or hereafter in force throughout the universe. For purposes of this Agreement, the Intellectual Property of or belonging to Seller shall also include the rights of Seller to Intellectual Property of its licensors, service providers, and business partners that may be lawfully assigned View More
Intellectual Property. All: trade, business and product names; trademarks; service marks; copyrights; patents; discoveries; trade secrets; business and technical information; proprietary compilations of data or information; know-how; inventions; formulas and techniques; methods; regulatory filings; computer software; all intellectual property rights, registrations, licenses and applications pertaining to any of the foregoing; and all related documentation and goodwill.
Intellectual Property. All patents, patent applications, copyrights, trademarks, trade names, trade secrets, know-how, service marks, licenses and other intellectual property rights of a Party, that may be secured in any place under Laws now or hereafter in effect.
Intellectual Property. Patent applications, patents, methods, processes, technical information, know-how, copyrights, trade secrets and trademarks.
Intellectual Property. Means all General Intangibles of Grantor, including, without limitation, all copyrights, copyright applications and any extensions thereof, patents, patent applications and any extensions thereof, trademarks, trade names, and applications therefor and extensions thereof, licenses, designs, drawings, technical information, marketing plans, customer lists, trade secrets, proprietary or confidential information, inventions (whether or not patentable), procedures, formulae, methods, know-how,... models, data and all other intellectual property and any and all rights with respect thereto of any kind or nature whatsoever and any goodwill associated therewith. View More
Intellectual Property. Or ("IP") means ideas, concepts, technical information, data, designs, drawings, specifications, tools, schematics, know-how, artwork, photographs, technology, modules, components, designs, utilities, subsets, objects, processes, tools, models, software programs (including, without limitation, source and object codes), manuals and other documentation, data, databases, processes, methods of production, manufacturing methods, trade secrets, and other related information and materials, and other... works of authorship or creation, whether tangible or intangible, together with any Intellectual Property Rights relating thereto View More
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