Intercompany Gas Price

Example Definitions of "Intercompany Gas Price"
Intercompany Gas Price. With respect to each Delivery Point, (a) for Plant Gas that is designated by Buyer as Intercompany Gas for delivery beginning on the first day of any Month, the price per MMBtu, as reported in the first publication of Inside FERC's Gas Market Report for such Month for the geographic location closest to such Delivery Point, less Buyer's Adjustments, or (b) for Plant Gas that is designated by Buyer as Intercompany Gas for delivery at any time after the first day of any Month, the price per MMBtu,... equal to the "Daily Midpoint" price as reported in the "Daily Price Survey" of Platts' Gas Daily for the relevant day, less Buyer's Adjustments. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if there is no single price published for such day, but there is published a range of prices, then the Intercompany Gas Price for such day will be the average of the high and low prices in that range. If no price or range of prices is published for such day, the Intercompany Gas Price will be the be the average of the following: (i) the price (determined as stated above) for the first day for which a price or range of prices is published that next precedes the relevant day; and (ii) the price (determined as stated above) for the first day for which a price or range of prices is published that next follows the relevant day. View More
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