Interim Funding Amount

Example Definitions of "Interim Funding Amount"
Interim Funding Amount. Shall mean an amount which the Recordkeeper calculates based on the best information available to him to be equal to the total amount of any vested and unpaid benefits of (i) all Participants who are employees of the Bank after May 1, 1998, and who as of the Interim Valuation Requirement Date requiring such calculation either (A) are no longer employees of the Bank or (B) have attained age sixty-three (63) and three hundred twenty-five (325) days and (ii) all Beneficiaries of deceased... Participants entitled to benefits under the Plan as a result of such deceased Participants' death. In computing the Interim Funding Amount, there shall be added an amount equal to an amount estimated by the Trustee to be likely to be sufficient to provide for all expenses in administering the Trust and distributing benefits for the sixty (60) months following the relevant Interim Valuation Requirement Date, including reasonable expenses of the Committee (if then in existence) and of any litigation or other assertion of claims which the Trustee deems to have a higher degree of probability than remote, including (but not limited to) any such litigation or other assertion of claims which the Trustee may institute or assert against the Bank. View More
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