Internal Rate of Return

Example Definitions of "Internal Rate of Return"
Internal Rate of Return. With respect to the Investor's Fund Capital Contribution, the discount rate that causes the sum of net present value of all cash inflows from the Investor (i.e., Capital Contributions) and the net present value of all cash distributions and other cash outflows to the Investor resulting from the investment (including, on an After-Tax Basis (as applicable), the tax credits, the tax liabilities allocated to the Investor by the Fund and distributions from the Fund to the Investor, whether from... operating cash flow or capital transaction proceeds) to equal zero dollars ($0). The Investor will be deemed to receive a specified Internal Rate of Return, with respect to any Capital Contributions, when the Investor has received net After Tax benefits equal to a return of all those Capital Contributions plus a cumulative, annually compounded, return on those Capital Contributions at the specified annual rate, calculated commencing on the date or dates those Capital Contributions are made and compounded annually to the extent the return is not paid on a current basis, taking into account the timing and amounts of all previous distributions, benefits and detriments made (or deemed made) or allocated to the Investor by the Fund. For purposes of computing the Internal Rate of Return, (i) all cash in-flows, cash out-flows, benefits and detriments will be discounted to present value using monthly measuring periods and (ii) the calculation of Internal Rate of Return will be made using Microsoft Excel XIRR or similar calculation. View More
Internal Rate of Return. An annual pre-tax internal rate of return calculated on a basis consistent with that used by the members of the Berkshire Owner Group in calculating gross internal rate of return for their respective purposes and by taking into account (i) the date or dates of payment by the members of the Berkshire Owner Group for or in respect of securities in the Company Group, (ii) the date or dates on which the members of the Berkshire Owner Group receive or are deemed to have received Proceeds, and (iii)... the amounts of such Proceeds. View More
Internal Rate of Return. The annualized effective compounded return rate (taking into account all allocations of profits and gains, net of all allocations of losses, deductions and nondeductible expenses) which is earned on the amount invested by Sponsor in the Company.
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