Invalid Clicks
Invalid Clicks. Clicks (a) generated via automated crawlers, robots or click generating scripts or other software, (b) that occur as a result of auto-spawning of browsers, automated redirects, or clicks that are required for users to navigate, (c) that occur as a result of any incentive such as cash, credits or loyalty points, (d) generated as a result of conduct intended to artificially increase or inflate the number of clicks generated that are related to this Agreement, (e) that occur in connection with...
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Found in
LOCAL Corp contract
Invalid Clicks. Clicks (i) generated by automated crawlers, robots or click generating scripts, other software or similar automated mechanisms of any kind, (ii) that result from the auto-spawning of browsers, automated redirects, pop-up or pop-under windows, or clicks that are required for users to navigate, (iii) that occur as a result of any incentive such as cash, credits or loyalty points, (iv) generated as a result of conduct intended to artificially increase or inflate the number of clicks generated that...
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All Definitions
Found in
LOCAL Corp contract