IRIDIUM TECHNICAL INFORMATION. All information and material, including confidential and trade secret information (in whatever form) and computer software (subject to the limitations set forth below) that was used by MOTOROLA or any of its SUBSIDIARIES as of the date hereof to OPERATE AND MAINTAIN the IRIDIUM SYSTEM and that is necessary or useful to allow NEWCO to OPERATE AND MAINTAIN the IRIDIUM SYSTEM, including without limitation the information and materials identified in Exhibit A. IRIDIUM TECHNICAL INFORMATION includes... computer software in object code form and/or in source code form and related documentation only to the extent that such forms and documentation are (i) within MOTOROLA's possession or control; (ii) capable of being provided by MOTOROLA to NEWCO without violation of any law or contractual obligation; and (iii) capable of being provided by MOTOROLA to NEWCO without impeding MOTOROLA's rights and licenses to continue to use the same (to the extent MOTOROLA desires to continue to use the same) and without incurring any cost to MOTOROLA (or if there is such a cost, such cost will be paid by NEWCO) (collectively LICENSED SOFTWARE) View More
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