Junior Default

Example Definitions of "Junior Default"
Junior Default. Shall mean a default in the payment of the Junior Debt or in the performance of any term, covenant or condition contained in the Junior Debt Documents or any other occurrence resulting in the maturity of the Junior Debt prior to Payment in Full of the Senior Debt, or permitting Junior Creditor to accelerate the payment of, put or cause the redemption of all or any portion of the Junior Debt.
Junior Default. Shall mean a default in the payment of the Junior Debt or in the performance of any term, covenant or condition contained in the Junior Debt Documents or any other occurrence resulting in the maturity of the Junior Debt prior to Payment in Full of the Senior Debt, Documents, permitting any one or permitting Junior Creditor more Sellers to accelerate the payment of, or put or cause the redemption of of, all or any portion of the Junior Debt. Debt or any of the Junior Debt Documents.
Junior Default. Shall mean a A default in the payment of the Junior Debt or in the performance of any term, covenant or condition contained in the Junior Debt Documents or any other occurrence resulting in the maturity of the Junior Debt prior to Payment in Full of the Senior Debt, or permitting Junior Creditor to accelerate the payment of, put or cause the redemption of all or any portion of the Junior Debt.
Junior Default. Shall mean (i) a default in the payment of the Junior Debt or in the performance of any term, covenant or condition contained in the Junior Debt Documents or any other occurrence resulting in the maturity of the Junior Debt prior to Payment in Full of Documents, or (ii) any other occurrence permitting the Senior Debt, or permitting Junior Creditor Creditors to accelerate the payment of, or put or cause the redemption of of, all or any portion of the Junior Debt. Debt or any of the Junior Debt... Documents. View More
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