Legal Requirements

Example Definitions of "Legal Requirements"
Legal Requirements. The requirements of all present and future Laws (including, but not limited to, Environmental Laws and Laws related to accessibility to, usability by, and discrimination against, disabled individuals) and all covenants, restrictions and conditions now or hereafter of record which may be applicable to Tenant or to the Leased Premises, or to the use, manner of use, occupancy, possession, operation, maintenance, alteration, repair or restoration of the Leased Premises, even if compliance therewith... necessitates structural changes or improvements or results in interference with the use or enjoyment of the Leased Premises or requires Tenant to carry insurance other than as required by this Lease View More
Legal Requirements. Shall mean and include all laws, orders, ordinances, directions, notices, rules and regulations of the federal government and of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico or its municipalities, and of any division, agency, subdivision, bureau, office, commission, board, authority and department thereof, and of any public officer or official and of any quasi-governmental officials and authorities having or asserting jurisdiction over the Land, Building and/or the Premises.
Legal Requirements. Shall mean all applicable laws, statutes, codes, ordinances, orders, rules, regulations, certificates of occupancy, conditional use or other permits, variances, covenants and restrictions of record, the requirements of Landlord's insurance carrier or any fire insurance underwriters, rating bureaus or government agencies, and the requirements of all federal, state, county, municipal and other government authorities, including the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act ('ADA'), now... in effect or which may hereafter come into effect during the Lease Term. View More
Legal Requirements. Means all laws, statutes, codes, acts, treaties, ordinances, orders, judgments, writs, decrees, injunctions, rules, regulations, governmental approvals or consents, directives, and requirements of all Governmental Authorities.
Legal Requirements. All laws, statutes, codes, acts, ordinances, orders, judgments, decrees, injunctions, rules, regulations, permits, licenses, authorizations, directions and requirements of all Governmental Authorities applicable to the Property at or before the Closing
Legal Requirements. All statutes, laws, rules, orders, regulations, ordinances, judgments, decrees and injunctions of Governmental Authorities (including those regarding fire, health, handicapped access, sanitation, ecological, historic, zoning, environmental protection, wetlands and building laws and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Pub. L. No. 89-670, 104 Stat. 327 (1990), as amended, and all regulations promulgated pursuant thereto) affecting a party, any of its Subsidiaries or all or part of any... Property or the construction, ownership, use, alteration or operation thereof, whether now or hereafter enacted and in force, and all permits, licenses and authorizations and regulations relating thereto, and all covenants, agreements, restrictions and encumbrances contained in any instrument, either of record or known to the Company or any of its Subsidiaries, at any time in force affecting all or part of any Property View More
Legal Requirements. Any law, ordinance, order, rule or regulation of any governmental authority which pertains to the parties hereto.
Legal Requirements. All statutes, regulations and orders and all requirements, directions, codes of practice, circulars and guidance notes of or issued by any competent authority exercising powers under statute or Royal Charter and all directly applicable EC law and case law
Legal Requirements. All applicable federal, state, and local statutes, laws, codes, ordinances, rules, regulations, orders, and decrees, including, without limitation, Environmental Laws
Legal Requirements. All foreign, federal, state, municipal and local statutes, laws, ordinances, judgments, decrees, orders, rules, regulations, policies and guidelines
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