Licensed Marks

Example Definitions of "Licensed Marks"
Licensed Marks. Means the DreamWorks Marks listed and depicted in Schedule A attached hereto, and incorporated by reference herein as if set forth in full, as Schedule A may be amended from time to time in the manner set forth in paragraphs 2(c) and 8(d) below.
Licensed Marks. Means all marks owned by the Licensor, whether currently in use or hereafter developed, including those marks set forth on Schedule A, whether registered or unregistered, including the listed registrations and applications and any registrations which may be granted pursuant to such applications. For the avoidance of doubt, any mark containing the words or elements and ALKALINE 88 in connection with alkaline bottled water shall be included in the definition of Licensed Marks.
Licensed Marks. Means the trademarks and service marks identified as "Trademarks" in Schedule II attached hereto, as that schedule may be modified by Altisource in its sole discretion, and used in conjunction with the offering and provision of the licensed goods or services.
Licensed Marks. Those certain trademarks, trade names, designs and markings owned or licensed by Halozyme and designated from time to time in writing by Halozyme for use by Intrexon under this Agreement in connection with the packaging, labeling, promotion and marketing of Products in the Licensed Field
Licensed Marks. Means the trademarks, trade names, names, brands, logos, symbols, and other proprietary designations of Galectin Therapeutics as set forth on Exhibit A, as may be updated from time to time by Galectin Therapeutics.
Licensed Marks. Shall mean the Marks as and in the form in which they are used by Licensee on or in connection with the Business in the Licensed Territory as of the Effective Date.
Licensed Marks. The trademarks and trade names listed in Exhibit C (as such list may be updated from time to time by Lam upon notice to Company)
Licensed Marks. Means the Trademarks set forth on Schedule 1.1(c) to the extent Controlled by the applicable Pfizer Licensor.
Licensed Marks. Imprimis' rights in those certain trademarks, trade names, designs and markings, together with all registrations and applications therefor in the Territory, that are designated from time to time in writing by Imprimis for use by ADF under this Agreement.
Licensed Marks. The trademarks, trade names, logos and/or service marks and any associated or related marks or other indicia of origin, whether registered or unregistered, owned by Licensor or any of its Affiliates and containing the term "COLUMBIA," including the registrations and registration application which include the mark "COLUMBIA" as more fully identified in Schedule A.
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