Major Decisions

Example Definitions of "Major Decisions"
Major Decisions. Any decision or action to (i) convey by the Venture substantially all the assets of the Venture; (ii) acquire any Property; (iii) finance or borrow or execute any promissory note or other obligation (other than a Lease) or mortgage or other encumbrance in the name of or on behalf of the Venture; (iv) retain the services of a manager other than Wells Management; (v) approve each construction and architectural contract and all architectural plans, specifications and drawings and all revisions or... changes thereof in connection with the development and construction of any improvements for any Property; (vi) reduce any portion of the insurance program for the Properties or the Venture; (vii) determine any fee or other amount to be paid to either Venturer or any affiliate of a Venturer; (viii) make any expenditure or incur any obligation by or on behalf of the Venture involving a sum in excess of $15,000 for any transaction or group of similar transactions except for expenditures made and obligations incurred pursuant to and specifically set forth in a budget Approved by the Venturers; (ix) adjust, settle or compromise any claim, obligation, debt, demand, suit or judgment against the Venture or any Venturer in its capacity as a Venturer, or waive any breach of or default in any monetary or non-monetary obligation owed to the Venture, involving singly or in the aggregate an amount in excess of $15,000, or in the initiation of any such claim or suit for the benefit of the Venture; (x) convey or sell any Property or authorize the conveyance or sale of all Properties; (xi) admit any new Venturer to the Venture; (xii) cause the Venture to be admitted as a joint venturer to any other joint venture; and (xiii) make any other decision or action which by the provisions of this Agreement is required to be Approved by the Venturers or which in a material respect affects the Venture or any of the assets or operations thereof. All Major Decisions shall be made by the Venturers in a timely manner with due regard for the necessity of obtaining and evaluating the information necessary for making such Major Decisions. View More
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