
Example Definitions of "Margin"
Margin. Percentage points ( basis points)
Margin. Initially means three and one-half percentage points (3.50%) (350 basis points) and will be effective until such time as the aggregate principal balance of all Loans and unfunded Commitment amounts under the Credit Agreement is (a) $20,000,000 or less, at which time the Margin will be reduced to three and one-quarter percentage points (3.25%), or (b) $15,000,000 or less, at which time the Margin will be further reduced to three percentage points (3.00%). Each reduction in the Margin will become... effective upon Borrower's delivery to Agent of annual audited financial statements along with a written certification that the aggregate principal balance of the Loans and unfunded Commitments required for such reduction has been achieved. View More
Margin. Means 1.56%.
Margin. 375 basis points
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