Marketing Plan

Example Definitions of "Marketing Plan"
Marketing Plan. A detailed written plan for production, distribution, selling and promotion of each LICENSED VARIETY prepared by or on behalf of CERES and submitted to NOBLE. A MARKETING PLAN will be non-binding, i.e., the performance of CERES (through CERES and/or any SUBLICENSEE) shall not be compared by forecasts and/or projections therein and such forecasts and/or projections are merely advisory. Each MARKETING PLAN, binding or non-binding, shall include at least the information outlined in ANNEX D.... Actual, adopted MARKETING PLANS shall be attached as further annexes to this Agreement as adopted and identified as "binding" or "non-binding" as agreed to by the parties View More
Marketing Plan. A detailed written plan for production, distribution, selling and promotion of each LICENSED VARIETY prepared by or on behalf of CERES and submitted to NOBLE. A MARKETING PLAN will may be (a) binding, i.e., the performance of CERES (through CERES and/or any SUBLICENSEE) shall be reasonably compared to forecasts and/or projections therein, or (b) non-binding, i.e., the performance of CERES (through CERES and/or any SUBLICENSEE) shall not be compared by forecasts and/or projections therein and... such forecasts and/or projections are merely advisory. Each MARKETING PLAN, binding or non-binding, shall include at least the information outlined in ANNEX D. EXHIBIT C. Actual, adopted MARKETING PLANS shall be attached as further annexes exhibits to this Agreement as adopted and identified as "binding" or "non-binding" as agreed to by the parties View More
Marketing Plan. A detailed written plan for production, distribution, selling and promotion of each the LICENSED VARIETY prepared by or on behalf of CERES and submitted to NOBLE. A MARKETING PLAN will be non-binding, i.e., the performance of CERES (through CERES and/or any SUBLICENSEE) shall not be compared by forecasts and/or projections therein and such forecasts and/or projections are merely advisory. Each The MARKETING PLAN, binding or non-binding, PLAN shall include at least the information outlined in... ANNEX D. C. Actual, adopted MARKETING PLANS shall be attached as further annexes to this Agreement as adopted and identified as "binding" or "non-binding" as agreed to by the parties View More
View Variations (2)
Marketing Plan. Has the meaning set forth in subsection 6.2.1 of this Agreement.
Marketing Plan. A plan for the marketing and detailing of the Product in the Territory to Prescribers, and may include provisions related to promotional strategies, detailing plans, pricing, advertising plans and budgets for promotional and advertising activities.
Marketing Plan. Means the marketing plan of Heska and Volition, as mutually determined and agreed upon by the Parties, to promote the provision of the Licensed Services, in accordance with Section 3.9.
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