Merger of Equals

Example Definitions of "Merger of Equals"
Merger of Equals. Means, as of any date, a transaction that, notwithstanding the fact that such transaction may also qualify as a Change of Control, satisfies all of the conditions set forth in paragraphs (a) or (b) below: (a) if such date is on or after the Consummation Date, a Reorganization Transaction in respect of which all of the following conditions are satisfied as of such date, or if such date is prior to the Consummation Date, a proposed Reorganization Transaction in respect of which the merger... agreement or other documents (including the exhibits and annexes thereto) setting forth the terms and conditions of such Reorganization Transaction, as in effect on such date after giving effect to all amendments thereof or waivers thereunder, require that the following conditions be satisfied on and, where applicable, after the Consummation Date: (1) at least 50%, but not more than 70%, of the common stock of the surviving Corporation outstanding immediately after the consummation of the Reorganization Transaction, together with Voting Securities representing at least 50%, but not more than 70%, of the combined voting power of all Voting Securities of the Surviving Corporation outstanding immediately after such consummation shall be owned, directly or indirectly, by the persons who were the owners directly or indirectly of the common stock and Voting Securities of the Company immediately before such consummation in substantially the same proportions as their respective direct or indirect ownership, immediately before such consummation, of the common stock and Voting Securities of the Company, respective; and (2) Allstate Incumbent Directors (determined as of such date using the date immediately preceding the Change of Control Effective Date as the baseline date) shall, throughout the period beginning on the Change of Control Effective Date and ending on the third anniversary of the Change of Control Effective Date, continue to constitute not less than 50% of the members of the Board; and (3) the person who was the CEO of the Company immediately prior to the Change of Control Effective Date shall serve as (x) the CEO of the Company throughout the period beginning on the Change of Control Effective Date and ending on the Consummation Date and (y) the CEO of the Surviving Corporation at all times during the period commencing on the Consummation Date and ending on the first anniversary of the Consummation Date; provided, however, that a Reorganization Transaction that qualifies as a Merger of Equals shall cease to qualify as a Merger of Equals (a "Merger of Equals Cessation") and shall instead qualify as a Change of Control that is not a Merger of Equals from and after the first date during the Post-Change period (such date, the "Merger of Equals Cessation Date") as of which any one or more of the following shall occur for any reason: (i) if any condition of clause (1) of paragraph (a) of this definition shall for any reason not be satisfied immediately after the consummation of the Reorganization Transaction; or (ii) if as of the close of business on any date on or after the Change of Control Effective Date, any condition of clauses (2) or (3) of paragraph (a) of this definition shall not be satisfied; or (iii) if on any date prior to the first anniversary of the Consummation Date, the Company shall make a filing with the SEC, issue a press release, or make a public announcement to the effect that the Company is seeking or intends to seek a replacement for the then-CEO of the Company, whether such replacement is to become effective before or after such first anniversary. (b) as of such date, each Person who is a 20% Owner qualifies as an Approved Passive Holder. The Committee shall give all Participants written notice of any Merger of Equals Cessation and the applicable Merger of Equals Cessation Date as soon as practicable after the Merger of Equals Cessation Date. View More
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