Minimum Quality Standards

Example Definitions of "Minimum Quality Standards"
Minimum Quality Standards. A data feed is complete as to structure and content in accordance with the requirements set forth in Exhibit A, provided, however, the fields under Custom Procedures as defined under Attachment A shall be excluded from this definition. In order to meet Minimum Quality Standards, the transferred data in each Work delivered following the Evaluation Period must maintain (i) less than 10% variance in the total number of blank fields for each data field within any Work delivering an AWCP Data feed... as compared to the first Work delivering an AWCP Data feed accepted by Organogenesis, and (ii) less than 10% total number of blank Confidential materials omitted and filed separately with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Triple asterisks [***] denote omissions. The information contained in this document is privileged, confidential, and intended for the exclusive use of Organogenesis and Net Health Systems Inc. All rights reserved. 1 fields for the following ten (10) critical variables identified in Exhibit A, Attachment A; [***] View More
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