Monthly Supplemental Retirement Income

Example Definitions of "Monthly Supplemental Retirement Income"
Monthly Supplemental Retirement Income. An amount equal to (a) minus (b) where: (a) equals the monthly amount of the Early, Normal or Deferred Retirement income benefit (whichever is appropriate) payable in the form provided under the Retirement Plan (but ignoring any election of the Level Income Option provided under the Retirement Plan and considering a Domestic Partner as a Spouse) which would be payable to Key Employee beginning on the Benefit Commencement Date if the Restrictions as reflected in the Retirement Plan and the Code... were not in effect; and (b) equals the monthly amount of the Early, Normal or Deferred Retirement income benefit (whichever is appropriate) payable in the form provided under the Retirement Plan (but ignoring any election of the Level Income Option provided under the Retirement Plan), which Key Employee will actually receive under the Retirement Plan beginning on the Benefit Commencement Date. For purposes of determining benefits under (a) and (b) above, any QDRO will be taken into account, such that the total benefits payable under this Agreement will not exceed those which would be payable absent the QDRO. View More
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