Mortgage Assets

Example Definitions of "Mortgage Assets"
Mortgage Assets. Means the following assets types of the REIT which the REIT may determine from time to time shall be solely managed by the Manager: (i) mortgage securities (or interests therein), including (a) adjustable-rate, hybrid adjustable-rate and pass-through certificates (including GNMA certificates, FNMA certificates and FHLMC certificates), collateralized mortgage obligations, (c) securities representing interests in, or secured by, agency wrapped mortgages on real property other than pass-through... certificates and CMOs, (d) agency mortgage derivative securities and other agency mortgage-backed and mortgage collateralized obligations, and (e) mortgage derivative securities; (ii) U.S. government issued bills, notes and bonds including general obligations of the agencies of the U.S. government (including, but not limited to GNMA, FNMA and FHLMC); and (iii) short-term investments, including short-term bank certificates of deposit, short-term U.S. Treasury securities, short-term U.S. government agency securities, commercial paper, repurchase agreements, short-term CMOs, short-term asset backed securities and other similar types of short-term investment instruments, all of which will have maturities or average lives of less than one (1) year. View More
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