Net Rentable Area of the Premises

Example Definitions of "Net Rentable Area of the Premises"
Net Rentable Area of the Premises. The gross area within the inside surface of the outer glass or other material comprising the exterior walls of the Premises to the mid-point of any walls separating portions of the Premises from those of adjacent tenants and to the Common Areas or Service Areas side of walls separating the Premises from Common Areas and Service Areas, subject to the following: (1) Net Rentable Area of the Premises shall not include any Service Areas. (2) Net Rentable Area of the Premises shall include a pro... rata part of the Building Common Areas plus a pro rata part of the Single Floor Common Areas on the floor on which the Premises are located, such prorations based upon an allocation to each floor of the Building of Building Common Areas (based upon the Net Rentable Area of each floor and the Net Rentable Area of the Building, exclusive of Building Common Areas) and upon the ratio of the Net Rentable Area of the Premises to the total Net Rentable Area of such floor. (3) Net Rentable Area of the Premises shall include any columns and/or projection(s), which protrude into the Premises and/or the Common Areas View More
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