New Licensed Patent

Example Definitions of "New Licensed Patent"
New Licensed Patent. Means: (i) the Licensee Patent Filings, and (ii) each of the following solely to the extent directed to Existing Assigned Know-How Inventions: (a) all patent applications filed by or on behalf of Licensor under the Know-How Agreement; (b) any patent application(s) filed as a continuation, division, or continuation-in-part (solely to the extent not directed to new matter) of the patent application(s) described in clause (a), patents issuing from the patent application(s) described in clauses... (a)-(b) and any reissues, reexaminations and extensions of patents described in clauses (a)-(b); and (c) any foreign counterpart to the patent(s) and patent application(s) described in clauses (a)-(b) (including divisions, continuations, confirmations, additions, renewals or continuations-in-part of such patent applications), patents issuing therefrom and reissues, reexaminations and extensions thereof. View More
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