Newly Hired Eligible Employee

Example Definitions of "Newly Hired Eligible Employee"
Newly Hired Eligible Employee. Means an individual hired by the Company or a Designated Subsidiary who meets the criteria for an Eligible Employee on his Hire Date, provided that an individual who has previously worked for the Company or an Affiliate will only qualify as a "Newly Hired Eligible Employee" if he meets the requirements of Treas. Reg. ยง 1.409A-2(a)(7) or any successor thereto. Generally, a re-hired individual will meet these requirements if (1) he has been paid any and all amounts due him under the Plan (and any... plans required to be aggregated with the Plan under Code section 409A) prior to re-hire, or (2) he has not been eligible to participate, other than the accrual of earnings, in the Plan (or any other plan required to be aggregated with the Plan under Code section 409A) for at least 24 months. View More
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