Object Code
Object Code. Computer programs assembled or compiled, which are readable and usable by machines, but not generally readable by humans without reverse-assembly, reverse compiling, or reverse-engineering.
Object Code. The fully compiled version of a software program that can be executed by a computer and used by an end user without further compilation
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Object Code. Shall mean (i) machine executable programming instructions, substantially in binary form, which are intended to be directly executable by an operating system after suitable processing and linking but without the intervening steps of compilation or assembly, or (ii) other executable code (e.g., programming instructions written in procedural or interpretive languages).
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Object Code. Computer programs in machine readable, object code format.
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National CineMedia, Inc. contract
Object Code. The machine code generated by a Source Code language processor such as an assembler or compiler, which may be linked to create Executable Binary
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Analog Devices, Inc. contract
Object Code. Means the machine-readable, executable instructions for computer programs or applications.
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Control4 Corporation contract
Object Code. The computer code in a format not perceivable by humans and not suitable for machine execution without the intervening steps of interpretation or compilation.
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Cryoport, Inc. contract
Object Code. The Software computer code in machine-readable form generated by compilation of Source Code and contained in a medium that permits it to be loaded into and operated on computers
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UBIQUITY, INC. contract
Object Code. Software in machine executable format, including all associated Documentation and Updates
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