Operating Expenses

Example Definitions of "Operating Expenses"
Operating Expenses. Shall mean, for any period, all cash expenditures of Maker or the Borrowers actually paid (and properly payable) during such period for (i) payments into escrow pursuant to the Debt Papers for real and personal property taxes; (ii) real and personal property taxes on the Project (except to the extent paid from escrowed funds); (iii) premiums for liability, property and other insurance on the Project; (iv) the Capital Expenditure Reserve Deposit; (v) the Management Fee; (vi) sales and rental... taxes relating to the Project (except to the extent paid from the Tax and Insurance Escrow Account); and (vii) normal, reasonable and customary operating expenses of the Project. In no event shall Operating Expenses include amounts distributed to the partners or shareholder's of Maker or the Borrowers, payments to Affiliates not permitted under Section 7(c) below, any payments made on the Loan or any other loan obtained by Maker, amounts paid out of any funded reserve expressly approved by Holder, non-cash expenses such as depreciation, or any cost or expense related to the restoration of the Project in the event of a casualty or eminent domain taking paid for from the proceeds of insurance or an eminent domain award or any reserve funded by insurance proceeds or eminent domain awards View More
Operating Expenses. Shall mean, for any period, all cash expenditures of Maker or the Borrowers actually paid (and properly payable) during such period for (i) payments into escrow pursuant to the Debt Papers for real and personal property taxes; (ii) real and personal property taxes on the Project (except to the extent paid from escrowed funds); (iii) Property; (ii) premiums for liability, property and other insurance on the Project; (iv) the Capital Expenditure Reserve Deposit; (v) Property; (iii) the Management... Fee; (vi) (iv) sales and rental taxes relating to the Project (except to the extent paid from the Tax and Insurance Escrow Account); Property; and (vii) normal, reasonable and customary operating expenses of the Project. Property. In no event shall Operating Expenses include amounts distributed to the partners or shareholder's of Maker or the Borrowers, Maker, payments to Affiliates not permitted under Section 7(c) below, any payments made on the Loan or any other loan obtained by Maker, amounts paid out of any funded reserve expressly approved by Holder, non-cash expenses such as depreciation, or any cost or expense related to the restoration of the Project Property in the event of a casualty or eminent domain taking paid for from the proceeds of insurance or an eminent domain award or any reserve funded by insurance proceeds or eminent domain awards awards. View More
Operating Expenses. Shall mean, for any period, all cash expenditures of Maker or the Borrowers actually paid (and properly payable) during such period for (i) payments into escrow pursuant to the Debt Papers for real and personal property taxes; (ii) real and personal property taxes on the Project (except to the extent paid from escrowed funds); (iii) Property; (ii) premiums for liability, property and other insurance on the Project; (iv) the Capital Expenditure Reserve Deposit; (v) Property; (iii) the Management... Fee; (vi) (iv) sales and rental taxes relating to the Project (except to the extent paid from the Tax Property; and Insurance Escrow Account); and (vii) (v) normal, reasonable and customary operating expenses of the Project. Property. In no event shall Operating Expenses include amounts distributed to the partners or shareholder's of Maker or the Borrowers, Maker, payments to Affiliates not permitted under Section 7(c) below, any payments made on the Senior Loan or any other loan obtained by Maker, amounts paid out of any funded reserve expressly approved by Holder, non-cash expenses such as depreciation, or any cost or expense related to the restoration of the Project Property in the event of a casualty or eminent domain taking paid for from the proceeds of insurance or an eminent domain award or any reserve funded by insurance proceeds or eminent domain awards View More
View Variations (2)
Operating Expenses. All costs and expenses of every character paid or incurred by the Company as determined under generally accepted accounting principles, that are in any way related to the operation of the Company or to Company business, including advisory fees, but excluding (i) the expenses of raising capital such as Organization and Offering Expenses, legal, audit, accounting, underwriting, brokerage, listing, registration, and other fees, printing and other such expenses and tax incurred in connection with... the issuance, distribution, transfer, registration and listing of the Shares, (ii) interest payments, (iii) taxes, (iv) non-cash expenditures such as depreciation, amortization and bad debt reserves, (v) Acquisition Expenses, (vi) real estate commissions on the Sale of Property, and (vii) other fees and expenses connected with the acquisition and disposition of real estate interests, mortgage loans or other property. View More
Operating Expenses. All costs and expenses of every character paid or incurred by the Company Company, as determined under generally accepted accounting principles, that are which in any way are related to the operation of the Company or to Company business, including advisory fees, fees paid to the Advisor, but excluding (i) the expenses of raising capital such as Organization and Offering Expenses, legal, audit, accounting, underwriting, brokerage, listing, registration, and other fees, printing and other such... expenses and tax incurred in connection with the issuance, distribution, transfer, registration and listing Listing of the Shares, (ii) interest payments, (iii) taxes, (iv) non-cash expenditures such as depreciation, amortization and bad debt loan reserves, (v) incentive fees paid in compliance with Section IV.F. of the NASAA Guidelines and (vi) Acquisition Fees, Acquisition Expenses, (vi) real estate commissions on the Sale resale of Property, property, and (vii) other fees and expenses connected with the acquisition acquisition, disposition, and disposition ownership of real estate interests, mortgage loans or other property. property (such as the costs of foreclosure, insurance premiums, legal services, maintenance, repair and improvement of property). View More
View Variation
Operating Expenses. All costs and expenses incurred by Landlord during any Fiscal Year, as defined in Subsection 1.G. above, in managing, operating and maintaining the Building and the Land, as determined by Landlord in accordance with an accounting system established and regularly applied by Landlord. Such costs and expenses shall include, but not be limited to, the cost of water, gas, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, electricity and other utilities, trash removal, telephone services, insurance, janitorial and char... services and supplies, security services, labor costs (including social security taxes and contributions and fringe benefits), charges under maintenance and service contracts (including but not limited to chillers, boilers, elevators, window and security services), central heating and air conditioning, management fees, business taxes, license fees, public space and vault rentals and charges, costs, charges and other assessments made by or for any entity operating a business improvement district in which the Building is located, condominium fees, assessments, dues, expenses, and other charges which are paid by Landlord as a result of the Building, the Land or part or all of both being part of a condominium, and the cost of any equipment or services provided by Landlord in connection with the servicing, operation, maintenance, repair and protection of the Building and the Land and related exterior appurtenances (whether or not provided on the Lease Commencement Date). Operating Expenses shall include the cost of capital improvements made by Landlord to manage, operate or maintain the Building, together with any financing charges incurred in connection therewith, provided that such costs shall be amortized over the useful life of the improvements. View More
Operating Expenses. The expenses of Licensee (other than Management Expenses) for (i) auditing and legal costs, (ii) annual fees relating to the Licensee's over-the-counter listings and (iii) all costs of preparing, filing and distributing registration statements, proxy statements, shareholder reports and otherwise complying with federal and state laws applicable to Licensee.
Operating Expenses. Expenses incurred in the operation of the VLT Facility, including payments and fees to the GLC, payments and fees to any other regulatory authority, costs of goods sold, employee expenses, employee taxes, general and administrative expenses, insurance premiums, utility expenses, costs of routine repairs and maintenance, marketing costs, costs of accountants, consultants and attorneys, operating costs of computer systems and communication lines, Allowed Interest Expense, depreciation expense (in... accordance with GAAP) lease or rental expense, payment of the Management Fee and video lottery taxes, but excluding the Incentive Fee, capital leases and capital expenditures (as defined under GAAP) and debt amortization. Any expenses which benefit Underground Atlanta but are not part of the VLT Facility shall be prorated. Lease payments to the City or to any other third party shall be disallowed to the extent properly allocable to purchase price (e.g., if the lease has a below market purchase option). View More
Operating Expenses. All consolidated operating, general and administrative expenses paid or incurred by CPA: 17, as determined under GAAP, except the following (insofar as they would otherwise be considered operating, general and administrative expenses under GAAP): (i) interest and discounts and other cost of borrowed money; (ii) taxes (including state and Federal income tax, property taxes and assessments, franchise taxes and taxes of any other nature); (iii) expenses of raising capital, including Organization... and Offering Expenses, printing, engraving, and other expenses, and taxes incurred in connection with the issuance and distribution of CPA: 17's Shares and Securities; (iv) Acquisition Expenses, real estate commissions on resale of property and other expenses connected with the acquisition, disposition, origination, ownership and operation of Investments, including the costs of foreclosure, insurance premiums, legal services, brokerage and sales commissions, maintenance, repair and improvement of property; (v) Acquisition Fees payable to the Advisor or any other party; (vi) Subordinated Disposition Fees payable to the Advisor or any other party under this Agreement and the corresponding fees payable to the Manager under the Management Agreement or to any other party; (vi) distributions paid by the Operating Partnership to the Special General Partner under the agreement of limited partnership of the Operating Partnership in respect of gains realized on dispositions of Investments; (vii) amounts paid to effect a redemption or repurchase of the special general partner interest held by the Special General Partner pursuant to the agreement of limited partnership of the Operating Partnership; and (viii) non-cash items, such as depreciation, amortization, depletion, and additions to reserves for depreciation, amortization, depletion, losses and bad debts. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, Operating Expenses shall include the Asset Management Fee and any Loan Refinancing Fee and, solely for the purposes of determining compliance with the 2%/25% Guidelines, distributions of profits and cash flow made by the Operating Partnership to the Special General Partner pursuant to the agreement of limited partnership of the Operating Partnership, other than distributions described in clauses (vi) and (vii) of this definition. View More
Operating Expenses. All operating, general and administrative expenses paid or incurred by the Company, as determined under GAAP, except the following (insofar as they would otherwise be considered operating, general and administrative expenses under GAAP): (i) interest and discounts and other cost of borrowed money; (ii) taxes (including state and Federal income tax, property taxes and assessments, franchise taxes and taxes of any other nature); (iii) expenses of raising capital, including Organization and... Offering Expenses, printing, engraving, and other expenses, and taxes incurred in connection with the issuance and distribution of the Company's Shares and Securities; (iv) Acquisition Expenses, real estate commissions on resale of real estate interests and other expenses connected with the acquisition, disposition, origination, ownership and operation of real estate interests, mortgage loans, or other property, including the costs of foreclosure, insurance premiums, legal services, brokerage and sales commissions, maintenance, repair and improvement of property; (v) Acquisition Fees; (vi) Subordinated Disposition Fees payable under this Agreement and the corresponding fees payable to the Manager under the Management Agreement or to any other party; (vi) non-cash items, such as depreciation, amortization, depletion, and additions to reserves for depreciation, amortization, depletion, losses and bad debts; (vii) Termination Fees; (viii) Subordinated Incentive Fees; (ix) Asset Management Fees payable under this Agreement and the corresponding fees payable under the Management Agreement and (x) Loan Refinancing Fees payable under this Agreement and the corresponding fees payable under the Management Agreement. View More
Operating Expenses. All costs of management, operation, maintenance and repair of the Building and the Land, including, but not limited to, the following: (i) salaries, wages, benefits and other payroll expenses of employees engaged in the operation, maintenance or repair of the Building; (ii) property management fees and expenses (not to exceed 3.5% of the gross revenue from the Building and the Land); (iii) rent (or rental value) and expenses for Landlord's and any property manager's offices in the Building;... (iv) electricity, natural gas, water, waste disposal, sewer, heating, lighting, air conditioning and ventilating and other utilities: (v) janitorial, maintenance, security, life safety and other services, such as alarm service, window cleaning and elevator maintenance and uniforms for personnel providing services; (vi) repair and replacement, resurfacing or repaving of paved areas, sidewalks, curbs and gutters (except that any such work which constitutes a capital improvement shall be included in Operating Expenses in the manner provided in clause (xiv) below); (vii) landscaping, ground keeping, management, operation, and maintenance and repair of all public, private and park areas adjacent to the Building; (viii) materials, supplies, tools and rental equipment; (ix) license, permit and inspection fees and costs; (x) insurance premiums and costs (including an imputed insurance premium if Landlord self-insures, or a proportionate share if Landlord insures under a "blanket" policy), and the deductible portion of any insured loss under Landlord's insurance; (xi) sales, use and excise taxes; (xii) legal, accounting and other professional services for the Building, including costs, fees and expenses of contesting the validity or applicability of any law, ordinance, rule, regulation or order relating to the Building; (xiii) depreciation on personal property, including exterior window draperies provided by Landlord and floor coverings in the common areas and other public portions of the Building, and/or rental costs of leased furniture, fixtures, and equipment; and (xiv) the cost of any capital improvements to the Building made at any time that are intended in Landlord's judgment as labor saving devices, or to reduce or eliminate other Operating Expenses or to effect other economies in the operation, maintenance, or management of the Building, or that are necessary or appropriate in Landlord's judgment for the health and safety of occupants of the Building, or that are required under any law, ordinance, rule, regulation or order which was not applicable to the Building as of the date of this Lease, all amortized over such reasonable period as Landlord shall determine at an interest rate of ten percent (10%) per annum, or, if applicable, the rate paid by Landlord on funds borrowed for the purpose of constructing or installing such capital improvements. Operating Expenses shall not include: (A) Real Estate Taxes; (B) legal fees, brokers' commissions or other costs incurred in the negotiation, termination, or extension of leases or in proceedings involving a specific tenant; (C) depreciation, except as set forth above; (D) interest, amortization or other payments on loans to Landlord except as a component of amortization as set forth above; (E) the cost of capital improvements, except as set forth above; (F) except as provided in item (xiv) above, costs incurred in connection with the original construction of the Building or in connection with any major change in the Building, such as adding or deleting floors; (G) except as provided in item (xiv) above, costs of alterations or improvements, other than maintenance items to the Premises or the leased premises of other tenants; (H) interest, principal, late charges, default fees, prepayment penalties or premiums on any debt owed by Landlord, including any mortgage debt; (I) costs of correcting defects in or inadequacy of the renovation of the Building; (J) expenses directly resulting from the negligence of the Landlord, its agents, servants or employees; (K) legal fees, space planners' fees, real estate brokers' leasing commissions and advertising expenses incurred in connection with the original development or original leasing of the Building or future leasing of the Building; (L) costs for which Landlord is fully reimbursed by any tenant or occupant of the Building or by insurance by its carrier or any tenant's carrier or by anyone else; (M) any bad debt loss, rent loss, or reserves for bad debts or rent loss; (N) expenses of extraordinary services provided to other tenants in the Building which are made available to Tenant at cost or for which Tenant is separately charged; (O) costs associated with the operation of the business of the partnership which constitutes Landlord, as the same are distinguished from the costs of operation of the Building, including partnership accounting and legal matters, costs of defending any lawsuits with any mortgagee (except as the actions of Tenant may be the issue), costs of selling, syndicating, financing, mortgaging or hypothecating any of Landlord's interest in the Building, costs (including attorneys' fees and costs of settlement, judgments and payments in lieu thereof) arising from claims, disputes or potential disputes in connection with potential or actual claims, litigation or arbitrations respecting Landlord and/or the Building and/or the site upon which the Building is situated; (P) the wages and benefits of any employee who does not devote substantially all of his or her time to the Building unless such wages and benefits are prorated to reflect time spent on maintaining, securing, repairing, operating or managing the Building vis-a-vis time spent on matters unrelated to such activities; (Q) damages, costs, fees, fines, penalties and interest arising from a default by Landlord under any obligation to a third party; (R) amounts paid as ground rental by Landlord; (S) any costs or expenses incurred in connection with any portion of the ground floor, to the extent devoted to retail operation, unless such square footage is included in the Rentable Area computation for the Building; (T) costs, including permit, license and inspection costs, incurred with respect to the installation of tenant improvements made for new tenants in the Building or incurred in renovating or otherwise improving, decorating, painting or redecorating vacant space for tenants or other occupants of the Building; (U) costs paid to Landlord or to affiliates of Landlord for services in the Building to the extent the same materially exceed or would materially exceed the costs for such services if rendered by first class unaffiliated third parties on a competitive basis; (V) electric power costs for which any tenant directly contracts with the local public service company; (W) costs arising from Landlord's political or charitable contributions; (X) costs arising from latent defects in the Building or improvements installed by Landlord; (Y) costs, other than those incurred in ordinary maintenance, for sculpture, paintings or other objects of art; (Z) Landlord's general corporate overhead; (AA) all costs in connection with the ownership, operation and maintenance of any off-site garage facilities associated with the Building, and all costs in connection with the operation of any parking facilities in the Building except costs of all utilities (heating, ventilating, air cooling, if any, electricity, water, serer, elevators), for repairs and replacements and for steam cleaning; (BB) capital expenditures required solely by Landlord's failure to comply with laws applicable to the Building, including the Premises, as of the date of this Lease; (CC) income, franchise taxes and dividends; (DD) capital expenditures to common areas on multi-tenant floors to the extent such expenditures are made solely to accommodate the tenants on such floors; and (EE) the cost of removal or remediation of hazardous substances required in order to comply with any Environmental Law (as defined below) (i) applicable to the Building, including the Premises, as of the date of this Lease or (ii) with respect to subsurface removal or remediation only, not applicable to the Building, including the Premises, as of the date of this Lease, which subsurface removal or remediation is required in connection with the re-construction of the Building following an earthquake or casualty. Subject to the provisions of this definition, the determination of Operating Expenses shall be made by Landlord in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and practices consistently applied. View More
Operating Expenses. All reasonable operating expenses of the Property, including, without limitation, those for maintenance, repairs, annual taxes, insurance, utilities, management fee equal to four percent (4%) of the difference of (i) Gross Income (as defined in the Cash Management Agreement) minus (ii) an amount equal to the sum of all reimbursements paid to Trustor by any tenants pursuant to any Leases, normalized capital expenditures equal to $0.20 per square foot per annum, and normalized tenant improvement... and leasing commission expenditures equal to $0.44 per square foot per annum, and other annual expenses that are standard and customary for properties similar to the Property, and which are set forth in the Annual Budget. Operating Expenses for this purpose shall not include any interest or principal payments on the Loan or any allowance for depreciation View More
Operating Expenses. The sum of the Company's or a business unit's research and development expenses and selling and general and administrative expenses during a Fiscal Quarter or Fiscal Year.
All Definitions