Ordinary Course of Business

Example Definitions of "Ordinary Course of Business"
Ordinary Course of Business. The ordinary course of business consistent with past custom and practice (including with respect to quantity and frequency).
Ordinary Course of Business. The Means the ordinary course of business consistent with past custom and practice (including with respect to quantity and frequency).
Ordinary Course of Business. The ordinary course of business consistent with past part custom and practice (including with respect to quantity and frequency). frequency)
View Variations (2)
Ordinary Course of Business. The ordinary course of business of the Person in question, consistent with past custom and practice (including with respect to quantity, quality and frequency).
Ordinary Course of Business. The ordinary course of business of the Person in question, consistent with past custom and practice (including with respect to quantity, quality quantity and frequency). frequency)
Ordinary Course of Business. The ordinary course of business of the Person in question, consistent with past custom and practice (including with respect to quantity, quality quantity and frequency). frequency)
Ordinary Course of Business. The ordinary course of business of the Person person or entity in question, question consistent with past custom and practice (including with respect to quantity, quality and frequency).
View Variations (2)
Ordinary Course of Business. Means an action taken by any Person in the ordinary course of such Person's business that is consistent with the past customs and practices of such Person (including past practice with respect to quantity, amount, magnitude and frequency, standard employment and payroll policies and past practice with respect to management of working capital and the making of capital expenditures) and that is taken in the ordinary course of the normal day-to-day operations of such Person.
Ordinary Course of Business. Means Shall mean an action taken by any a Person if such action is in the ordinary course of such Person's business that is and consistent with the past customs and practices of such Person (including past practice with respect to quantity, amount, magnitude and frequency, standard employment and payroll policies and past practice with respect to management of working capital and the making of capital expenditures) and that capital) which is taken in the ordinary course of the normal day-to-day... operations of such Person. View More
View Variation
Ordinary Course of Business. The ordinary course of business consistent with current custom and practice
Ordinary Course of Business. An action taken by or on behalf of the Seller shall not be deemed to have been taken in the "Ordinary Course of Business" unless such action is recurring in nature, is consistent with the past practices of the Seller in the conduct of the Acquired Business and is taken in the ordinary course of the normal day-to-day operations of the Acquired Business.
Ordinary Course of Business. The business of the Borrower as presently conducted and as proposed as of the date of this Agreement to be conducted
Ordinary Course of Business. A lawful action taken by a person that is consistent with the past practice of such person and is taken in the ordinary course of the normal day to day operations of such Company after due consideration and in accordance with professional standards
Ordinary Course of Business. An action taken by a Person will be deemed to have been in the Ordinary Course of Business only if that action: (i) is consistent in nature, scope, and magnitude with the past practices of such Person and is taken in the ordinary course of the normal day-to-day operations of such Person; and (ii) is similar in nature, scope, and magnitude to actions customarily taken, without any separate or special authorization, in the ordinary course of the normal day-to-day operations of other Persons that... are in the same line of business as such Person View More
Ordinary Course of Business. Means any action taken by the Company that is (i) consistent with its past practices and is taken in the ordinary course of its normal day-to-day operations, and (ii) not required to be specifically authorized by its Board of Directors.
Ordinary Course of Business. The ordinary course of business consistent with past custom and practice
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