other retirement benefits

Example Definitions of "other retirement benefits"
other retirement benefits. For purposes of paragraph 1(a), Employee's "other retirement benefits" shall mean the sum of (i) the annual benefit earned by Employee pursuant to the Pension Plan (disregarding any supplemental account balance in the Pension Plan to the extent such account balance is attributable to Employee's elective deferrals to the Deferred Compensation Plan for Certain Executive Employees of Community Bank System, Inc.), plus (ii) the annual benefit that could be provided by Employer contributions (other... than elective deferrals) made on Employee's behalf under (A) the Community Bank System, Inc. 401(k) Employee Stock Ownership Plan, and (B) the Deferred Compensation Plan for Certain Executive Employees of Community Bank System, Inc., adjusted to reflect actual earnings, losses and expenses credited to and charged against such Employer contributions, if such contributions (as adjusted) were converted to a single life annuity benefit payable commencing as of the last day of the calendar quarter immediately preceding the date benefit payments begin under this Agreement, using the factors applied to determine actuarial equivalents under the Pension Plan as of such date. View More
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