Participant Definition Example with 7 Variations

This page contains an example definition of Participant, followed by definitions with minor variations. You can view the differences between the example and variations by selecting the "Show Differences" option.
Participant. An individual to whom RSUs have been awarded pursuant to the Plan and shall have the same meaning as may be assigned to the terms "Holder" or "Participant" in the Plan.


Participant. An an individual to whom RSUs PSUs have been awarded pursuant to the Plan and shall have the same meaning as may be assigned to the terms "Holder" Holder or "Participant" Participant in the Plan.
Participant. An an individual to whom RSUs SPSUs have been awarded pursuant to the Plan and the Terms and Conditions and shall have the same meaning as may be assigned to the terms "Holder" or "Participant" in the Plan.
Participant. An means an individual to whom RSUs Options as set forth in the Notice have been awarded pursuant to the Plan and shall have the same meaning as may be assigned to the terms "Holder" or "Participant" in the Plan.
Participant. An means an individual to whom RSUs as set forth in the Notice have been awarded pursuant to the Plan and shall have the same meaning as may be assigned to the terms "Holder" or "Participant" in the Plan.
Participant. An individual a non-employee member of the Board to whom RSUs as set forth in the Notice have been awarded pursuant to the Plan and shall have the same meaning as may be assigned to the terms "Holder" or "Participant" in the Plan.
Participant. An individual to whom RSUs as set forth in the Notice have been awarded pursuant to the Plan and shall have the same meaning as may be assigned to the terms "Holder" or "Participant" in the Plan.
Participant. An individual means a non-employee member of the Board to whom RSUs as set forth in the Notice have been awarded pursuant to the Plan and shall have the same meaning as may be assigned to the terms "Holder" or "Participant" in the Plan.
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