Performance Goal

Example Definitions of "Performance Goal"
Performance Goal. Shall mean the performance goal specified on Schedule A which must be attained and certified in order to satisfy the first step of the 2-step process for vesting in the shares of Common Stock subject to this Award.
Performance Goal. An objective test of performance based on one or more of the following criteria: revenue; earnings; net earnings; operating earnings; earnings before taxes; earnings before income tax expense, interest expense, and depreciation and amortization expense ("EBITDA"); earnings per Share; stock price; costs; return on equity; return on assets; assets management; asset quality; asset growth; budget achievement; net operating income ("NOI"); average occupancy; year-end occupancy; funds from operations... ("FFO"); adjusted funds from operations ("AFFO"); funds available for distribution ("FAD"); dividend or FAD payment; total shareholder return on an absolute basis or a relative basis measured against comparable peers or a real estate index; leverage ratios; capital expenditures; customer satisfaction survey results; property operating expense savings; design, development, permitting, or other progress on designated properties; third-party fee generation; leasing goals; goals relating to acquisitions or divestitures, targeted financing, or capital market objectives; lease retention; liability management; credit management; certain levels of operating expense; growth in assets, unit volume, revenue, sales, or market share; or strategic business criteria consisting of one or more objectives based on meeting specified revenue goals, market penetration goals, geographic business expansion goals, or cost targets. Performance Goals may differ from Participant to Participant and award to award and may be established for the Company as a whole, on a per Share basis, or for the Company's various properties, groups, divisions, or Subsidiaries, or a combination of them. Performance Goals may be based on absolute performance or on performance relative to performance of unrelated businesses specified by the Committee, on other external measures of the selected performance criteria, or on comparison to any prior period or to budget or target. All calculations and financial accounting matters relevant to this Plan and to which GAAP applies shall be determined in accordance with GAAP as in effect on the date of an award, except as otherwise specified by the Committee. For example, the Committee may specify that the measurement of performance shall include or exclude particular items, such as losses from discontinued operations, debt prepayment penalties, extraordinary gains or losses, the cumulative effect of accounting changes, acquisitions or divestitures, or nonrecurring gains or loss. View More
Performance Goal. One or more standards established by the Committee under Paragraph 8(e)(i) to determine in whole or in part whether a Performance Award shall be earned
Performance Goal. A formula or standard determined by the Committee with respect to each Performance Period based on one or more of the following criteria and any adjustment(s) thereto established by the Committee
Performance Goal. Means if the Performance Shares, Performance Units or Restricted Stock is intended to comply with Code Section 162(m), an objectively determinable performance goal established by the Committee with respect to a given award of Performance Shares, Performance Units or Restricted Stock that is based on one or more Performance Criteria and if the Performance Shares, Performance Units or Restricted Stock are not intended to comply with Code Section 162(m) any performance goal established by the... Committee based on any performance criteria. View More
Performance Goal. A goal established by the Board for the applicable Performance Period. Depending on the performance criteria used, a Performance Goal may be expressed in terms of overall Company performance or the performance of a business unit, division, product line, Subsidiary, Affiliate or an individual. A Performance Goal may be measured either in absolute terms or relative to the performance of one or more comparable companies or one or more relevant indices or other external measures of the selected... performance criteria. In addition, a Performance Goal may be measured on an absolute or per-share basis, a GAAP or non-GAAP basis, in terms of growth or percentage change, or on a pre-tax or post-tax basis (if applicable). The Board may adjust the results under any performance criterion to exclude any of the following events that occurs during a Performance Period: (a) asset write-downs, (b) litigation, claims, judgments or settlements, (c) the effect of changes in tax laws, accounting principles or other laws or provisions affecting reported results, (d) accruals for reorganization and restructuring programs, (e) extraordinary, unusual or non-recurring items, (f) exchange rate effects for non-U.S. dollar denominated net sales and operating earnings, or (g) statutory adjustments to corporate tax rates. View More
Performance Goal. A target to be attained with respect to one or more performance criteria, which target may be expressed as a formula or a standard or otherwise, established by the Administrator (in its sole discretion) for a Performance Period. The performance criteria may relate to, without limitation, one or more of the following objective or relative indicators of safety, operational, or financial performance with respect to one or more Group members, a division or unit of one or more Group members, or the... Participant, as determined by the Administrator: (i) sales revenue; (ii) gross margin; (iii) operating margin; (iv) operating income; (v) pre-tax profit; (vi) earnings before interest, taxes and depreciation and amortization (EBITDA)/adjusted EBITDA; (vii) net income; (viii) expenses; (ix) the market price of the Stock; (x) earnings per share; (xi) return on shareholder equity or assets; (xii) return on capital; (xiii) return on net assets; (xiv) economic profit or economic value added (EVA); (xv) market share; (xvi) customer service or customer satisfaction; (xvii) safety; (xviii) total shareholder return; (xix) earnings; (xx) cash flow; (xxi) revenue; (xxii) profits before interest and taxes; (xxiii) profit/loss; (xxiv) profit margin; (xxv) working capital; (xxvi) price/earnings ratio; (xxvii) debt or debt-to-equity; (xxviii) accounts receivable; (xxix) write-offs; (xxx) cash; (xxxi) assets; (xxxii) liquidity; (xxxiii) earnings from operations; (xxxiv) operational reliability; (xxxv) environmental performance; (xxxvi) funds from operations; (xxxvii) adjusted revenues; (xxxviii) free cash flow; (xxxix) core earnings/earnings per share; (xxxx) operational performance; (xxxxi) ESG (environment, social, and governance); (xxxxii) DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion); or (xxxxiii) security (including but not limited to infrastructure and cybersecurity). Performance Goals may include a minimum, maximum, target level and intermediate levels of performance, with the final value of an Award determined under the applicable formula by the level attained during the applicable Performance Period, subject to any adjustments that the Administrator may decide to apply in its discretion. A Performance Goal may be stated as an absolute value or as a value determined relative to a standard selected by the Committee View More
Performance Goal. With respect to any Performance-Based Restricted Stock Award, a goal the attainment of which is a condition to the vesting and/or retention of the Performance-Based Restricted Stock Award and, with respect to any Performance-Based Cash Award, a goal the attainment of which is a condition to payment and/or the determination of the amount payable
Performance Goal. Means one or more written objective goals approved by the Committee, which performance goal or goals are determined based on one or more of the following business criteria: (i) increase in the Fair Market Value of the Shares, (ii) total stockholder return, (iii) revenue, sales, settlements, market share, customer conversion, net income, stock price and/or earnings per share, (iv) return on assets, net assets, and/or invested capital, (v) economic value added, (vi) improvements in costs and/or... expenses, (vii) EBIT, EBITDA, operating or gross profits, cash earnings or income from continuing operations, (viii) net cash from continuing operations or cash flow from operating activities; (ix) performance relative to peer group; (x) free cash flow as a percentage of sales; or (x) any performance measure established by the Committee View More
Performance Goal. Means, the performance goals set forth in Exhibit A.
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