Performance Measurements
Performance Measurements. The specified levels of, growth in or relative peer company performance in, cash flow, cost of capital, debt reduction, earnings, earnings before interest and taxes, earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization, earnings per share, economic value added, expenses, facilities open, free cash flow, gallon growth, interest coverage, inventory management, net profit margin, operating cash flow, operating income, operating profit margin, pretax earnings, proforma net income, working...
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Sherwin-Williams contract
Performance Measurements. Means performance with respect to cash flow; cost of capital; customer services; debt reduction; earnings; earnings before interest and taxes; earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization; earnings per share; economic value added; expenses; facilities open; free cash flow; gallon growth; interest coverage; inventory management; net income; net profit margin; operating cash flow; operating income; operating profit margin; pretax earnings; productivity improvement; profit after...
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Sherwin-Williams contract