Performance Metrics

Example Definitions of "Performance Metrics"
Performance Metrics. The "Performance Metrics" for the Performance Period are: (i) the JD Power Residential Survey for investor-owned utilities in the Western Region; (ii) the System Average Interruption Frequency Index (Major Events Excluded) ("SAIFI"); (iii) Arizona Public Service Company's customer to employee improvement ratio; (iv) the OSHA rate (All Incident Injury Rate); (v) nuclear capacity factor; and (vi) coal capacity factor.
Performance Metrics. The "Performance Metrics" for the Performance Period are: (i) the JD Power Residential National Large Segment Survey for investor-owned utilities in the Western Region; utilities; (ii) the System Average Interruption Frequency Index (Major Events Excluded) ("SAIFI"); (iii) Arizona Public Service Company's customer to employee improvement ratio; (iv) the OSHA rate (All Incident Injury Rate); (v) nuclear capacity factor; and (vi) coal capacity factor.
View Variation
Performance Metrics. Collectively, Company Performance Metrics and Individual Performance Metrics
Performance Metrics. Mean the achievement of one or more of the performance levels set forth in the table on Annex A attached hereto under the headings "Natural Gas Production" and "Oil/NGL Production". The Performance Metrics shall be deemed achieved at the "Target" levels for each of the quarters in a year in which a Change of Control or Qualifying Event occurs
Performance Metrics. The performance metrics used to measure the Company's performance under the Plan as set forth on Schedule A.
Performance Metrics. The performance metrics (also referred to as key performance indicators or KPIs) used to measure the Company's performance under the Plan, as may be applicable to a Participant from time to time
Performance Metrics. Means, collectively, the performance metrics set forth on Exhibit A attached hereto.
Performance Metrics. The specific performance metrics used in determining Performance Goals or Cumulative Performance Goals.
Performance Metrics. Has the meaning specified in the Employment Agreement.
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