Performance Target

Example Definitions of "Performance Target"
Performance Target. Means the specific written objective goal or goals based on the criteria set forth in Section 9(b) of the Plan and that are timely approved by the Committee pursuant to Section 9(b) of the Plan for the Participant for the applicable Performance Period.
Performance Target. With respect to a fiscal year, the minimum levels of Pre-tax Income and such other performance measures as may be established by the Administrator that must be achieved for such fiscal year in order for a Participant to be eligible to receive an Annual Incentive Payment for such fiscal year; provided, however, if such Participant is a "covered employee" within the meaning of section 162(m) of the Code or, who in the Administrator's judgment, is likely to be a covered employee with respect to... such fiscal year, then the performance measures for purposes of such Participant's award shall be limited to the performance measures listed in Section 2(v) of the Incentive Plan 2010 View More
Performance Target. An objectively determinable level of performance as selected by the Committee to measure performance of the Company or any subsidiary, division, or other unit of the Company for the Performance Period based on one or more of the following: net income, net income before taxes, operating income, revenues, return on sales, return on equity, earnings per share, total shareholder return, or any of the foregoing before the effect of acquisitions, divestitures, accounting changes, restructuring, or... other special charges, as determined by the Committee at the time of establishing a Performance Target. View More
Performance Target. The specific performance goals applicable to any Performance Factor specified by the Administrator that are established to determine the amount payable to a Participant as a condition of the Participant's receipt of payment with respect to an Award. Such performance goals may be established in absolute terms, as objectives relative to performance in prior periods, as an objective compared to the performance of one or more comparable company or an index covering multiple companies, or otherwise... as the Administrator may determine. View More
Performance Target. Performance goals and objectives with respect to a Performance Period
Performance Target. Means the performance goals established by the Committee and set forth in the applicable Award Agreement.
Performance Target. The performance target established by the Committee for a particular Performance Period, as described in Section 16.B
Performance Target. The level of Annual Profits necessary to entitle the Holder to delivery of Performance Shares for the applicable year
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