
Example Definitions of "Permits"
Permits. Means all permits, licenses, concessions, consents, registries, approvals and authorizations from any Persons or Governmental Authorities, that are required for a Person to hold the rights, own or fully operate the Assets and the Establishments, as currently held, used and/or operated, in line with past practices.
Permits. All licenses, permits, approvals and certifications or similar items of any type necessary for the conduct of the business of the Bank as currently conducted.
Permits. All licenses, permits and other authorizations required from any Governmental Authority or other Person in connection with Seller's carrying on the Business as presently conducted.
Permits. All franchises, approvals, permits, authorizations, licenses, orders, registrations, certificates, variances and other similar permits or rights obtained from any Governmental Authority and all pending applications therefor, which are material to the business of any Borrower
Permits. All licenses, permits, certificates, orders, approvals, franchises, exemptions, variances, waivers and authorizations of any Governmental Authority, including all timely filed applications therefor, necessary or required to own and operate the Business
Permits. With respect to any Person, any permit, approval, authorization, license, registration, certificate, concession, grant, franchise, variance or permission from, and any other Contractual Obligations with, any Governmental Authority, in each case whether or not having the force of law and applicable to or binding upon such Person or any of its property or to which such Person or any of its property is subject
Permits. All licenses, permits, certificates, orders, approvals, franchises, exemptions, variances, waivers and authorizations of any Governmental Authority, including all timely filed applications therefor, necessary or required to own and operate the Eagle Mining Area and other permits and licenses being transferred pursuant to the Permit Assignment Assumption, each of which is listed on Schedule 14(qq) hereto
Permits. Means licenses, permits, franchises, consents, approvals and other authorizations of or from Governmental Entities.
Permits. Shall mean all licenses, permits, certificates of authority, authorizations, approvals, registrations, franchises, rights, Orders, qualifications and similar rights or approvals granted or issued by any Governmental or Regulatory Authority relating to the Business.
Permits. Means all federal, state, local or foreign permits, grants, easements, consents, approvals, authorizations, exemptions, licenses, franchises, concessions, ratifications, permissions, clearances, confirmations, endorsements, waivers, certifications or registrations of any Governmental Authority.
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