Permitted Investments

Example Definitions of "Permitted Investments"
Permitted Investments. Means debt obligations maturing within twelve months of the time of acquisition thereof which are accorded a rating of AA- or better by S&P (or an equivalent rating by another recognized credit rating agency of similar standing), commercial paper with a maturity of 270 calendar days or less which is accorded a rating of A4 or better by S&P (or an equivalent rating by another recognized credit rating agency of similar standing), certificates of deposit maturing within twelve months of the time... of acquisition thereof issued by commercial banks that are accorded a rating by a recognized rating service then in the business of rating commercial banks which is in the first quartile of the rating categories used by such service, obligations maturing within twelve months of the time of acquisition thereof of any Governmental Authority which obligations from time to time are accorded a rating of BBB or better by S&P (or an equivalent rating by another recognized credit rating agency of similar standing), and demand deposits, certificates of deposit, bankers acceptance and time deposits (having a tenor of less than one year) of United States banks having total assets in excess of $1,000,000,000. View More
Permitted Investments. Means (1) readily marketable direct obligations of the United States of America or any agency thereof with maturities of one year or less from the date of acquisition; (2) fully insured certificates of deposit with maturities of one year or less from the date of acquisition issued by any commercial bank operating in the United States of America having capital and surplus in excess of $500,000,000.00; and (3) commercial paper of a domestic issuer if at the time of purchase such paper is rated in... one of the two highest rating categories of Standard and Poor's Corporation or Moody's Investors Service. View More
Permitted Investments. Permitted Investments
Permitted Investments. Means investments made in accordance with the Borrower's investment objectives and strategies, as the same may be revised from time to time pursuant to this Agreement.
Permitted Investments. Means: (a) investments in cash and cash equivalents; (b) investments in negotiable instruments deposited or to be deposited for collection in the ordinary course of business; (c) advances made in connection with purchases of goods or services in the ordinary course of business; (d) investments received in settlement of amounts due to any Loan Party or any of its subsidiaries effected in the ordinary course of business or owing to any Loan Party or any of its subsidiaries as a result of... insolvency proceedings involving an account debtor or upon the foreclosure or enforcement of any Lien in favor of a Loan Party or its subsidiaries; (e) investments existing on the date hereof, as set forth on Schedule IX hereto, but not any increase in the amount thereof as set forth in such Schedule IX or any other modification of the terms thereof; and (f) Permitted Intercompany Investments. View More
Permitted Investments. Investments made to consummate the Acquisitions (including but not limited to payments in respect of the True Harvest Convertible Note and True Harvest Earnout and payment of the "Deferred Cash Payment Amount" described in the Theraplant Amendment, as in effect on the date hereof and paid in accordance with the terms thereof; provided that, with respect to any Deferred Cash Payment Amount payable after the six month anniversary of the Closing Date, (i) no Event of Default under Section 8.1(a)... has occurred and is continuing and (ii) the Agent has not accelerated the Loans as a result of any other Event of Default); View More
Permitted Investments. Means cash (United States legal tender), depository clearing book entry eligible certificates of deposit (issued by a United States bank and payable in United States legal tender) and investments of the types specified in paragraphs (1) and (2)(A) of subsection (a) of section 1404 of the New York Insurance Law, provided that such investments are issued by an entity or institution that is not the parent, subsidiary or affiliate of either the Grantor or the Beneficiary, and provided further that... such investments are rated A or higher (or the equivalent thereto) by a securities rating agency recognized by the New York State Department of Financial Services. View More
Permitted Investments. The meaning set forth in the Schedule.
Permitted Investments. (a)Investments (including, without limitation, Subsidiaries) existing on the date hereof which are shown on the Perfection Certificate; (b)(i) Investments consisting of Cash Equivalents, and (ii) any Investments permitted by Borrower's investment policy, as amended from time to time, provided that such investment policy (and any such amendment thereto) has been approved in writing by Bank; (c)Investments consisting of the endorsement of negotiable instruments for deposit or collection or... similar transactions in the ordinary course of Borrower; (d)Investments consisting of deposit accounts (but only to the extent that Borrower is permitted to maintain such accounts pursuant to Section 6.6 of this Agreement) in which Bank has a first priority perfected Lien; and (e)Investments (including debt obligations) received in connection with the bankruptcy or reorganization of customers or suppliers and in settlement of delinquent obligations of, and other disputes with, customers or suppliers arising in the ordinary course of business. View More
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