personal liability

Example Definitions of "personal liability"
personal liability. To the Corporation or any of its subsidiaries, their respective shareholders or any other person claiming derivatively through the Corporation, regardless of the theory or principle under which such liability may be asserted, for: (i) punitive, exemplary or consequential damages; (ii) treble or other damages computed based upon any multiple of damages actually and directly proved to have been sustained; (iii) fees of attorneys, accountants, expert witnesses or professional consultants; or (iv)... civil fines or penalties of any kind or nature whatsoever. View More
personal liability. To Shall have no personal liability to the Corporation or any of its subsidiaries, subsidiaries or affiliates, their respective shareholders or any other person claiming derivatively through the Corporation, regardless of the theory or principle under which such liability may be asserted, for: (i) punitive, exemplary or consequential damages; (ii) treble or other damages computed based upon any multiple of damages actually and directly proved to have been sustained; (iii) fees of attorneys,... accountants, expert witnesses or professional consultants; or (iv) civil fines or penalties of any kind or nature whatsoever. View More
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