
Example Definitions of "Personnel"
Personnel. Supplier's employees or subcontractors assigned by the Supplier to provide the Deliverables
Personnel. Means Supplier's employees or subcontractors assigned by the Supplier to provide the Deliverables Solution
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Personnel. Shall mean any person employed by or under the control of a Party under the Agreement, or under the control of a person or entity under the control of such Party, including without limitation an employee, agent, contractor, consultant, Subcontractor or employee of an agent, contractor, consultant or Subcontractor
Personnel. Means any person who (i) is or was a director, officer, employee, trustee or other Personnel or fiduciary of the Company; (ii) is or was serving at the request, for the convenience, or to represent the interests, of the Company or a Company employee benefit plan, its participants or its beneficiaries, as a director, officer, employee, trustee or other Personnel or fiduciary of another corporation, limited liability company, partnership, joint venture, trust or other entity (including, without... limitation, any employee benefit plan); or (iii) was a director, officer, employee, trustee or other Personnel or fiduciary of a corporation, limited liability company, partnership, joint venture, trust or other entity which was a predecessor of the Company, or was a director, officer, employee, trustee or other Personnel or fiduciary of any other such entity at the request of such predecessor. The use of the term "Personnel" shall not be construed to alter the legal relationship between a Personnel, as defined herein, and the Company. View More
Personnel. Means and includes a Party's or an Affiliate's directors, officers, employees, agents, auditors, consultants and subcontractors.
Personnel. Those Vendor employees and Vendor Subcontractors who perform Services or who have access to Customer's Confidential Information
Personnel. Of a referenced Party (i.e. AMS Personnel or MRI Personnel, respectively) means any employee, independent contractor or other individual person who is a provider of services (regardless of how such individual is classified for the purposes of applicable employment and tax laws) of (i) such Party or its Affiliate(s) and/or (ii) any subcontractor of such Party providing any services in connection with or relating to the Collaboration or this Agreement.
Personnel. Means any of the shareholders, directors, officers, employees, members, agents, contractors, subcontractors, advisors or representatives of a Party, and the respective successors and/or assigns of each.
Personnel. Means agents, employees, officers, directors or contractors employed, engaged or appointed by a Party hereunder.
Personnel. Means the employees and contractors of 1Life and One Medical Group unless used in connection with the provision of Medical Services, in which case the term "Medical Personnel" will be used.
Personnel. Personnel shall mean Licensor's employees, agents, contractors (and subcontractors), subsidiaries, affiliates or any person directly or indirectly, controlled by, controlling or under common control with Licensor.
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