Phase III Clinical Trials

Example Definitions of "Phase III Clinical Trials"
Phase III Clinical Trials. Shall mean clinical trials designed to demonstrate safety and efficacy of a compound proposed to be used as a prophylactic, therapeutic or diagnostic pharmaceutical product in an expanded patient population at geographically dispersed study sites, meeting the requirements established by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for Phase III clinical trials.
Phase III Clinical Trials. Clinical trials commencing upon the filing of a trial protocol with the appropriate regulatory body and designed to demonstrate safety and efficacy of a compound proposed to be used as a prophylactic, therapeutic or diagnostic pharmaceutical product in an expanded patient population at geographically dispersed study sites, meeting the requirements established by the FDA or the equivalent Japanese agency for Phase III clinical trials. The completion of the Phase III Clinical Trials will be... deemed to have occurred upon the first formal internal issuance of trial results as measured by trial objectives, or in any event no later than the filing of an NDA. View More
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