Plan Year

Example Definitions of "Plan Year"
Plan Year. Unless otherwise specified by the Committee, January 1 through December 31.
Plan Year. A calendar year ending on December 31
Plan Year. Each calendar year from January 1 through December 31. In the year of implementation, it shall commence with the date of this Plan and end on December 31, 2003
Plan Year. With respect to a Participant, the period commencing at the time of election of the director at an annual meeting of stockholders (or the election of a class of directors if the Company then has a classified Board of Directors), or the director's initial appointment to the Board if not at an annual meeting of stockholders, and continuing until the close of business of the day preceding the next annual meeting of stockholders; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that the initial Plan Year shall be deemed to be a... continuation of the plan year in effect under the DDCP at the Spin-Off Date. View More
Plan Year. Each 12 consecutive month period that begins on June 1 or any anniversary thereof and ends on the next following May 31.
Plan Year. The 12-month period commencing February 1 and ending on the following January 31. The first Plan Year shall commence on February 1, 2004
Plan Year. The 52–53 week year ending on the last Sunday in December in which the Fees are earned and which will either be paid or deferred and paid at a later date.
Plan Year. A period of one year, commencing each January 1 and ending on the following December 31, or such other twelve consecutive month period as may be established from time to time by the Company. Subject to shareholder approval of the Plan, the first Plan Year of the Plan shall be the one year period commencing on January 1, 2007 and ending December 31, 2007.
Plan Year. The calendar year, January 1-December 31.
Plan Year. The twelve-month period beginning on July 1 and ending on June 30
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