Program Intellectual Property

Example Definitions of "Program Intellectual Property"
Program Intellectual Property. Means, individually and collectively, all Intellectual Property Rights that are conceived, created, discovered, developed, generated, made or reduced to practice or fixed in a tangible medium of expression as part of or based upon or related to activities undertaken as part of the Program whether: (a) solely by one or more employees or agents of Tesla; (b) solely by one or more employees or agents of ViewRay; or (c) jointly by one or more employees or agents of Tesla and one or more employees... or agents of ViewRay. Program Intellectual Property will be listed in Attachment 4, which shall be amended from time-to-time to include new Program Intellectual Property, in accordance with Section 5.3. View More
Program Intellectual Property. Means, individually and collectively, all Intellectual Property Rights that are conceived, created, discovered, developed, generated, made or reduced to practice or fixed in a tangible medium of expression as part of or based upon or related to activities undertaken as part of the Program whether: (a) solely by one or more employees or agents of Tesla; MSC; (b) solely by one or more employees or agents of ViewRay; or (c) jointly by one or more employees or agents of Tesla MSC and one or more... employees or agents of ViewRay. Program Intellectual Property will be listed in Attachment 4, 3c, which shall be amended from time-to-time to include new Program Intellectual intellectual Property, in accordance with Section 5.3. Attachment 3a will document existing MSC Intellectual Property which is of relevance to the Program, and Attachment 3b will document pre-existing ViewRay Intellectual Property relating to source shield design. View More
Program Intellectual Property. Means, individually and collectively, all Intellectual Property Rights that are conceived, created, discovered, developed, generated, made or reduced to practice or fixed in a tangible medium of expression as part of or based upon or related to activities undertaken as part of the a Program whether: (a) solely by one or more employees or agents of Tesla; PEKO; (b) solely by one or more employees or agents of ViewRay; or (c) jointly by one or more employees or agents of Tesla PEKO and one or... more employees or agents of ViewRay. Program Intellectual Property will be listed in Attachment 4, each Work Statement, which shall be amended from time-to-time to include new Program Intellectual Property, in accordance with Section 5.3. View More
Program Intellectual Property. Means, individually Individually and collectively, all Intellectual Property Rights that are conceived, created, discovered, developed, generated, made or reduced to practice or fixed in a tangible medium of expression as part of or based upon or related to activities undertaken as part of the Program whether: (a) solely by one or more employees or agents of Tesla; MSC; (b) solely by one or more employees or agents of ViewRay; or (c) jointly by one or more employees or agents of Tesla MSC and... one or more employees or agents of ViewRay. Program Intellectual Property will be listed in Attachment 4, 3c, which shall be amended from time-to-time to include new Program Intellectual intellectual Property, in accordance with Section 5.3. Attachment 3a will document existing MSC Intellectual Property which is of relevance to the Program, and Attachment 3b will document pre-existing ViewRay Intellectual Property relating to source shield design. View More
View Variations (3)
Program Intellectual Property. Means, individually and collectively, all Intellectual Property Rights that are conceived, created, discovered, developed, generated, made or reduced to practice or fixed in a tangible medium of expression as part of or based upon or related to activities undertaken as part of the Program whether: (a) solely by one or more employees or agents of QED; (b) solely by one or more employees or agents of ViewRay; or (c) jointly by one [***] Certain information in this document has been omitted... and filed separately with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Confidential treatment has been requested with respect to the omitted portions. or more employees or agents of QED and one or more employees or agents of ViewRay. Program Intellectual Property will be listed in Attachment 3, which shall be amended from time-to-time to include new Program Intellectual Property, in accordance with Section 5.3. View More
Program Intellectual Property. Means, individually and collectively, all Intellectual Property Rights that are conceived, created, discovered, developed, generated, made or reduced to practice or fixed in a tangible medium of expression as part of or based upon or related to activities undertaken as part of a Program whether: (a) solely by one or more employees or agents of Jastec; (b) solely by one or more employees or agents of ViewRay; or (c) jointly by one or more employees or agents of Jastec and one or more employees... or agents of ViewRay. View More
Program Intellectual Property. Means, individually and collectively, all Know-How that is conceived, created, discovered, developed, generated, made or reduced to practice or tangible medium of expression, solely by or on behalf of a party either alone or jointly with the other party after the Effective Date and in the course of performing the Development, Manufacture or Commercialization of the Product under this Agreement.
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