Proprietary Information

Example Definitions of "Proprietary Information"
Proprietary Information. All information disclosed by or for Licensee or RMSS to the other during the negotiations hereof and/or learned by reason of the relationship established hereunder or pursuant hereto, including, without limitation, the RMSS Software, Documentation, Releases, Modifications and all information, data and designs related thereto. Information relating to each party's business, plans, affiliates or customers shall also be deemed Proprietary Information for purposes of the Agreement. Proprietary... Information shall also include all non-public personal information as defined in Title V of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (15 U.S.C. Section 6801, et seq.) and the implementing regulations thereunder (collectively, the GLB Act), as the same may be amended from time to time, that RMSS receives from or at the direction of Licensee and that concerns any of Licensee's customers and/or consumers (as defined in the GLB Act). View More
Proprietary Information. All information disclosed by or for Licensee Customer or RMSS ACL Group, Inc. to the other during the negotiations hereof and/or learned by reason of the relationship established hereunder or pursuant hereto, including, without limitation, the RMSS Software, software that is embedded in the Service, Documentation, Releases, Modifications and all information, data and designs related thereto. Information Customer Data and information relating to each party's business, plans, affiliates or... customers shall also be deemed Proprietary Information "Proprietary Information" for purposes of the Agreement. Proprietary Information "Proprietary Information" shall also include all non-public "non-public personal information information" as defined in Title V of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (15 U.S.C. Section 6801, et seq.) and the implementing regulations thereunder (collectively, the GLB Act), "GLB Act"), as the same may be amended from time to time, that RMSS ACL Group, Inc. receives from or at the direction of Licensee Customer and that concerns any of Licensee's customers Customer's "customers" and/or consumers "consumers" (as defined in the GLB Act). View More
Proprietary Information. All information disclosed by or for Licensee FNT or RMSS FIS to the other during the negotiations hereof and/or learned by reason of the relationship established hereunder or pursuant hereto, including, without limitation, the RMSS Software, LSI Processes, Documentation, Releases, Modifications and all information, data and designs related thereto. Information relating to each party's business, plans, affiliates or customers shall also be deemed Proprietary Information 'Proprietary Information'... for purposes of the Agreement. Proprietary Information 'Proprietary Information' shall also include all non-public 'non-public personal information information' as defined in Title V of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (15 U.S.C. Section 6801, et seq.) and the implementing regulations thereunder (collectively, the GLB Act), 'GLB Act'), as the same may be amended from time to time, that RMSS FIS receives from or at the direction of Licensee FNT and that concerns any of Licensee's customers FNT's 'customers' and/or consumers 'consumers' (as defined in the GLB Act). Act) View More
Proprietary Information. All information disclosed by or for Licensee FNT or RMSS FIS to the other during the negotiations hereof and/or learned by reason of the relationship established hereunder or pursuant hereto, including, without limitation, the RMSS Software, LSI Processes, Documentation, Releases, Modifications and all information, data and designs related thereto. Information relating to each party's business, plans, affiliates or customers shall also be deemed Proprietary Information "Proprietary Information"... for purposes of the Agreement. Proprietary Information "Proprietary Information" shall also include all non-public "non-public personal information information" as defined in Title V of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (15 U.S.C. Section 6801, et seq.) and the implementing regulations thereunder (collectively, the GLB Act), "GLB Act"), as the same may be amended from time to time, that RMSS FIS receives from or at the direction of Licensee FNT and that concerns any of Licensee's customers FNT's "customers" and/or consumers "consumers" (as defined in the GLB Act). Act) View More
View Variations (3)
Proprietary Information. Means all information of a confidential or proprietary nature (whether or not specifically labeled or identified as "confidential" and now existing or to be developed in the future), in any form or medium, that relates to or results from the business, historical or projected financial results, products, services or research or development of the Company Group or their respective suppliers, distributors, customers, independent contractors or other business relations. Proprietary Information will... be interpreted as broadly as possible to include all information of any sort (whether merely remembered or embodied in a tangible or intangible form) that is (I) related to the Company Group's (including their predecessors' prior to being acquired by the Company) current or potential business and (II) is not generally or publicly known. Proprietary Information includes, but is not limited to, the following: (i) internal business information (including historical and projected financial information and budgets and information relating to strategic and staffing plans and practices, including plans regarding planned and potential sales, financial and business plans, training, marketing, promotional and sales plans and practices, cost, rate and pricing structures and prices and terms, risk management practices, negotiation strategies and practices, accounting and business methods, acquisition opportunities, development, transition and transformation plans, locations of sales representatives, customer service, integration processes and requirements and costs of providing service, support and equipment); (ii) identities of, individual requirements of, specific contractual arrangements with, and information about, the Company Group's current, former or prospective employees (including personnel files and other information), suppliers, distributors, customers, independent contractors or other business relations and their confidential information; (iii) Trade Secrets, technology, know-how, compilations of data and analyses, techniques, systems, formulae, research, records, reports, manuals, flow charts, documentation, models, data and data bases relating thereto; (iv) computer software, including operating systems, applications and program listings; (v) inventions, innovations, ideas, devices, improvements, developments, methods, processes, designs, analyses, drawings, photographs, reports and all similar or related information (whether or not patentable and whether or not reduced to practice); (vi) copyrightable works, (vii) intellectual property of every kind and description, and (viii) all similar and related information in whatever form. View More
Proprietary Information. Means all All information of a confidential or proprietary nature (whether or not specifically labeled or identified as "confidential" and now existing or to be developed in the future), "confidential"), in any form or medium, that relates to or results from the business, historical or projected financial results, products, services or research or development of the Company Group Lineal, Camber, their Affiliates or their respective suppliers, distributors, customers, independent contractors contractors, third-party payers, providers or other business relations. Proprietary Information will be interpreted as broadly as possible to include all information of any sort (whether merely remembered or embodied in a tangible or intangible form) that is (I) related to the Company Group's (including their predecessors' prior to being acquired by the Company) current or potential business and (II) is not generally or publicly known. Proprietary Information includes, may include, but is not limited to, the following: following (in each case, with respect to Lineal, Camber and/or their Affiliates): (i) internal business information (including historical and projected financial information and budgets and information relating to strategic and staffing plans and practices, including plans regarding planned and potential sales, financial and business plans, training, marketing, promotional and sales plans and practices, cost, rate and pricing structures and prices and terms, structures, risk management practices, negotiation strategies and practices, practices and accounting and business methods, acquisition opportunities, development, transition and transformation plans, locations of sales representatives, customer service, integration processes and requirements and costs of providing service, support and equipment); methods); (ii) identities of, individual requirements of, specific contractual arrangements with, and information about, the Company Group's current, former about Lineal's, Camber's or prospective their Affiliates' employees (including personnel files and other information), suppliers, distributors, customers, independent contractors contractors, third-party payers, providers or other business relations and their confidential information; (iii) Trade Secrets, trade secrets, technology, know-how, compilations of data and analyses, techniques, systems, formulae, research, records, reports, manuals, flow charts, documentation, models, data and data bases relating thereto; (iv) computer software, including operating systems, applications and program listings; (v) inventions, innovations, ideas, devices, improvements, developments, methods, processes, designs, analyses, drawings, photographs, reports and all similar or related information (whether or not patentable and whether or not reduced to practice); (vi) copyrightable works, works; (vii) intellectual property of every kind and description, description; and (viii) all similar and related information as Sections (i) through (vii), above, in whatever form. View More
View Variation
Proprietary Information. Company's proprietary trade secrets and other confidential information not in the public domain, including but not limited to specific customer data such as: (i) the identity of Company's customers and sales prospects, (ii) the nature, extent, frequency, methodology, cost, price and profit associated with services and products purchased from Company, (iii) any particular needs or preferences regarding its service or supply requirements, (iv) the names, office hours, telephone numbers and street... addresses of its purchasing agents or other buyers, (v) its billing procedures, (vi) its credit limits and payment practices, and (vii) its organization structure View More
Proprietary Information. Company's proprietary trade secrets and other confidential information not in the public domain, including but not limited to specific customer data such as: (i) the identity of Company's customers and sales prospects, prospects; (ii) the nature, extent, frequency, methodology, cost, price and profit associated with services and products purchased from Company, Company; (iii) any particular needs or preferences regarding its service or supply requirements, requirements; (iv) the names, office... hours, telephone numbers and street addresses of its purchasing agents or other buyers, buyers; (v) its billing procedures, procedures; (vi) its credit limits and payment practices, practices; and (vii) its organization structure View More
View Variation
Proprietary Information. Information owned by the Company or licensed from third parties regarding (a) research, development, products, services, marketing, selling, business plans, budgets, unpublished financial statements, licenses, prices, costs, contracts and other agreements, suppliers, customers, and customer lists; (b) the identify, skills and compensation of employees, contractors, and consultants; (c) specialized training; and (d) information related to Inventions owned by the Company or licensed from third... parties. Proprietary Information shall not include material already in the public domain through no action of my own or actions of a third party not authorized to release such material into the public domain. View More
Proprietary Information. Shall mean and include any and all know-how, data and information relating to the Products and/or the Company, disclosed, made available to and/or prepared and/or generated by the Manufacturer or on its behalf, including, without limitation: (i) technical, engineering and manufacture information, packaging, designs, manufacture processes and development, quality control techniques and other know-how relating to or used, from time to time, in the Manufacture of the Products; (ii) sales,... manufacturing and marketing information; and (iii) information contained in documents marked "Confidential". View More
Proprietary Information. Collectively, Confidential Information and Trade Secrets
Proprietary Information. Shall mean all trade secrets, technical knowledge and experience, confidential information and other proprietary knowledge, whether or not patentable, possessed by, accumulated or owned by the Company concerning the design, formulation, manufacturing, quality control, testing, storage, development, improvement, installation and operation of the products and services of the Company, including, without limitation, the Company IP Rights, technical, engineering and operating data relating to the... products, designs, schematics, plans, operating principles, formulas, computer software programs, electronically recordable data or concepts, marketing data, inventions, improvements, research and development records and reports, experimental and engineering reports, product specifications, drawings, photographs, models, compilations of information, records, books and papers, quality control reports and specifications, and any other information possessed by the Company, relating to its products or services. View More
Proprietary Information. Any and all information and any idea in whatever form, tangible or intangible, whether disclosed to, or learned by or developed by me, pertaining in any manner to the business of the Company and any of the Company's Affiliates, customers, clients, or third parties to whom the Company has a duty of confidentiality, including, without limitation, the following: (a) formulas, teaching techniques, processes, trade secrets, electronic codes, proprietary techniques, inventions, improvements,... schematics, circuits, layouts, masks and research projects; (b) information about costs, profits, markets, sales, and lists of customers; (c) plans for future development and new product concepts; and (d) all documents, books, papers, drawings, models, sketches and other data of any kind and description, including electronic data recorded or retrieved by any means, that have been or will be given by the Company or any Affiliate to me, as well as written or verbal instructions or comments, provided, however, "Proprietary Information" does not include (1) information which is or becomes publicly known through lawful means, (2) information which was rightfully in my possession or part of my general knowledge prior to the Commencement of my Services or (3) information which is disclosed to me without confidential or proprietary restriction by a third party who rightfully possesses the information (without confidential or proprietary restriction) and did not learn of it directly or indirectly from the Company or any of its Affiliates. View More
Proprietary Information. Means any information regarding or developed by the Company, presently existing or developed in the future, that is: (i) not generally known to the public or to other persons who can obtain economic value from its disclosure or use, including but not limited to trade secrets; (ii) information which derives independent economic benefit from not being known to such persons; and (iii) information about the activities or business of the Company that is not generally known to others engaged in... similar business or activities, including, without limitation, information about software programs and subroutines, source and object code, algorithms, trade secrets, designs, technology, know-how, processes, data, ideas, techniques, inventions, works of authorship, formulas, business and product development plans, customer lists, terms of compensation and performance levels of the Company's employees and consultants, the Company's customers and other information concerning the Company's actual or anticipated business, research or development, or which is received in confidence by or for the Company from any other person or entity. View More
Proprietary Information. Means proprietary, confidential, and/or trade secret information owned by Boeing or a Third Party which is contained, conveyed or embodied in Materials.
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