Purchase Notice

Example Definitions of "Purchase Notice"
Purchase Notice. A written notice from the Company to the Investor directing the Investor to buy such Purchase Amount in Purchase Shares as specified by the Company therein on the Purchase Date.
Purchase Notice. A An irrevocable written notice from the Company to the Investor directing the Investor to buy such Regular Purchase Amount in Purchase Shares as specified by the Company therein on the Purchase Date.
Purchase Notice. A An irrevocable written notice from the Company to the Investor directing the Investor to buy such Subsequent Purchase Amount in Purchase Shares as specified by the Company therein on the Purchase Date.
View Variations (2)
Purchase Notice. With respect to a Purchase pursuant to Section 2(a) hereof, an irrevocable written notice from the Company to the Investor, substantially in the form of Exhibit A hereto, directing the Investor to buy a specified amount of Purchase Shares (subject to the Purchase Share limitations contained in Section 2(a) hereof) at the applicable Purchase Price for such Purchase in accordance with this Agreement. Purchase Notices shall be delivered between 4PM through 11:59PM (Eastern Time). If the Investor... deems that the Purchase Notice is not compliant according to the terms of this Agreement, then the Investor shall notify the Company with details of the non-compliance before 9:30AM (Eastern Time) on the next Business Day, and the Purchase Notice shall be null and void. Otherwise, the Purchase Notice shall be deemed valid by 9:31AM (Eastern Time). View More
Purchase Notice. With respect to a Purchase pursuant to Section 2(a) hereof, an irrevocable written notice from the Company to the Investor, substantially in the form of Exhibit A hereto, directing the Investor to buy a specified amount of Purchase Shares (subject to the Purchase Share limitations contained in Section 2(a) hereof) at the applicable Purchase Price for such Purchase in accordance with this Agreement. Purchase Notices shall be delivered between 4PM through 11:59PM (Eastern Time). If the Investor ... class="diff-color-red">deems determines that the Purchase Notice is not compliant according to the terms of this Agreement, then the Investor shall notify the Company with details the basis for such determination of the non-compliance before 9:30AM (Eastern Time) on the next Business Day, and and, provided the Investor provides a valid basis for such non-compliance, the Purchase Notice shall be null and void. Otherwise, In the absence of any such determination and valid basis for non-compliance, the Purchase Notice shall be deemed valid by 9:31AM (Eastern Time). View More
Purchase Notice. With respect to a Purchase pursuant to Section 2(a) 2 hereof, an irrevocable written notice from the Company to the Investor, substantially in the form of Exhibit A hereto, directing the Investor to buy a specified amount of Purchase Shares (subject to the Purchase Share limitations contained in Section 2(a) 2 hereof) at the applicable Purchase Price for such Purchase in accordance with this Agreement. Purchase Notices shall be delivered between 4PM 4:00 PM through 11:59PM (Eastern Time). 11:59... PM (New York City time). If the Investor deems that the Purchase Notice is not compliant according to the terms of this Agreement, then the Investor shall notify the Company with details of the non-compliance before 9:30AM (Eastern Time) 9:30 AM (New York City time) on the next Business Day, and the Purchase Notice shall be null and void. Otherwise, the Purchase Notice shall be deemed valid by 9:31AM (Eastern Time). 9:31 AM (New York City time). View More
Purchase Notice. With respect to a Purchase pursuant to Section 2(a) hereof, an irrevocable written notice from the Company to the Investor, substantially in the form of Exhibit A hereto, directing the Investor to buy a specified amount of Purchase Shares (subject to the Purchase Share limitations contained in Section 2(a) hereof) at the applicable Purchase Price for such Purchase in accordance with this Agreement. Purchase Notices shall be delivered between 4PM through 11:59PM (Eastern Time). If the Investor ... class="diff-color-red">deems determines that the Purchase Notice is not compliant according to the terms of this Agreement, then the Investor shall notify the Company with details the basis for such determination of the non-compliance before 9:30AM (Eastern Time) on the next Business Day, and and, provided the Investor provides a valid basis for such non-compliance, the Purchase Notice shall be null and void. Otherwise, In the absence of any such determination and valid basis for non-compliance, the Purchase Notice shall be deemed valid by 9:31AM (Eastern Time). View More
View Variations (2)
Purchase Notice. With respect to any Regular Purchase pursuant to Section 2(a), an irrevocable written notice from the Company to the Investor directing the Investor to buy such Purchase Amount in Purchase Shares as specified by the Company therein on the Purchase Date pursuant to Section 2(a) hereof.
Purchase Notice. A notice substantially in the form of Exhibit C
Purchase Notice. Means a Purchase Notice 1, Purchase Notice 2, Purchase Notice 3, or an Accelerated Purchase Notice, as applicable.
Purchase Notice. A Purchase Notice 1, Purchase Notice 2, or Purchase Notice 3, as applicable
Purchase Notice. A notice delivered to the Investor pursuant to Section 2 with respect to any Regular Purchase.
Purchase Notice. A written notice issued to the Company by the Purchaser notifying the Company of the Purchaser's election to purchase from the Company a specified principal amount of Debentures pursuant to the terms of this Agreement
Purchase Notice. An irrevocable written notice from the Company to the Buyer directing the Buyer to buy Purchase Shares pursuant to Section 1(b) as specified by the Company therein at the applicable Purchase Price on the Purchase Date.
Purchase Notice. Means a notice delivered to the Investor pursuant to Section 2 with respect to any Regular Purchase, Accelerated Purchase or Additional Accelerated Purchase, respectively.
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