Qualified Institutional Investor

Example Definitions of "Qualified Institutional Investor"
Qualified Institutional Investor. I a nationally chartered bank that has a combined capital and surplus of at least $100 million ii a pension fund pension trust or pension account that has total assets of at least $500 million and that is managed by a person or entity that controls manages at least $1 billion of real estate equity assets iii with the written consent of the Company not to be unreasonably withheld conditioned or delayed a real estate private equity fund or real estate investment trust that has total assets of at... least $500 million and that is managed by a person or entity that controls manages at least $1 billion of real estate equity assets iv a pension fund advisor that controls manages at least $500 million of real estate equity assets v an insurance company that is subject to supervision by the insurance commissioner or similar official or agency of a state or territory of the United States including the District of Columbia which has a net worth of at least $250 million and controls real estate equity assets of at least $500 million or vi any corporation partnership or limited liability company that is majority-owned by one or more of the foregoing entities. View More
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