Qualified Performance-Based Award

Example Definitions of "Qualified Performance-Based Award"
Qualified Performance-Based Award. An Award that is either (i) intended to qualify for a Section 162(m) Exemption, and is made subject to the performance of certain Management Objectives, or (ii) an Option or Appreciation Right.
Qualified Performance-Based Award. An Award that is intended to qualify as "performance-based compensation" within the meaning of Code Section 162(m)(4)(C)
Qualified Performance-Based Award. An Award that is intended to satisfy the requirements for "qualified performance-based compensation" under Section 162(m). The Committee shall designate any Qualified Performance-Based Award as such at the time of grant. For any Qualified Performance-Based Award, performance goals relating to the Performance Objectives shall be pre-established in writing by the Committee, and achievement thereof certified in writing prior to payment of the Award, as required by Section 162(m) and regulations... promulgated thereunder. All such performance goals shall be established in writing no later than ninety (90) days after the beginning of the applicable performance period; provided however, that for a performance period of less than one year, the Committee shall take any such actions prior to the lapse of 25% of the performance period. In addition to establishing minimum performance goals below which no compensation shall be payable pursuant to a Performance Award, the Committee, in its discretion, may create a performance schedule under which an amount less than or more than the target award may be paid so long as the performance goals have been achieved View More
Qualified Performance-Based Award. An Award to a Covered Employee that is intended to meet the qualified performance-based compensation exception contained in Section 162(m)(4)(C) of the Code. The amount of a Qualified Performance-Based Award shall equal an amount allocated to such Covered Employee by a formula established by the Committee based upon achievement of a preestablished performance goal under Treasury Regulations 1.162-27(d)(2); provided, however, to the extent such amount exceeds the Maximum Award available under... the Plan, it shall be reduced to the Maximum Award (and may further be reduced below the Maximum Award in accordance with Section 4) View More
Qualified Performance-Based Award. An Award to a Covered Associate who is a salaried employee of the Company or to an Associate that the Committee determines may be a Covered Associate at the time the Company would be entitled to a deduction for such Award, which Award is intended to provide 'qualified performance-based compensation' within the meaning of Code Section 162(m)
Qualified Performance-Based Award. An Award or portion of an Award that is intended to satisfy the requirements for 'qualified performance-based compensation' under Code Section 162(m). The Committee shall designate any Qualified Performance-Based Award as such at the time of grant. If the Committee designates an Award as a Qualified Performance-Based Award, then the lapsing of restrictions thereon and the distribution of Shares pursuant thereto, as applicable, shall be subject to satisfaction of one, or more than one,... Performance Objectives. The Committee shall determine the performance targets that will be applied with respect to each Qualified Performance-Based Award at the time of grant, but in no event later than 90 days after the commencement of the period of service to which the performance target(s) relate. Notwithstanding any contrary provision of the Plan, the Committee may not increase the number of Shares granted pursuant to any Qualified Performance-Based Award, nor may it waive the achievement of any performance target established pursuant to this Section 2(x). Prior to the payment of any Qualified Performance-Based Award, the Committee shall certify in writing that the performance target(s) applicable to such Award was met. The Committee shall have the power to impose such other restrictions on Qualified Performance-Based Awards as it may deem necessary or appropriate to ensure that such Awards satisfy all requirements for 'performance-based compensation' within the meaning of Code Section 162(m), the regulations promulgated thereunder, and any successors thereto View More
Qualified Performance-Based Award. An Award to a Covered Employee that is intended to meet the qualified performance-based compensation exception contained in Section 162(m)(4)(C) of the Code
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