Qualifying Retirement

Example Definitions of "Qualifying Retirement"
Qualifying Retirement. Means the Optionee's voluntary termination of Employment by reason of his or her retirement (i) at or above age 65 or (b) at or above age 55 with five (5) years of service to the Company.
Qualifying Retirement. Means a resignation of employment on or following January 15, 2022 without Good Reason; provided that the Participant has completed one year of service with the Company after providing the Company with written notice of his intent to retire, which notice may not be provided earlier than January 15, 2021.
Qualifying Retirement. Means the Optionee's voluntary termination of Employment by reason of his or her retirement, except where Cause exists (as determined by the Administrator in its sole discretion), (i) at or above age sixty-five (65) or (ii) at or above age fifty-five (55) with five (5) years of service to the Company, provided that the sum of the Optionee's age and years of the service to the Company is at least sixty-five (65).
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