Quarterly Notice

Example Definitions of "Quarterly Notice"
Quarterly Notice. Is the document delivered to ADLT in substantially the form attached hereto as Attachment C at the beginning of each calendar quarter after the Quarterly Review by FIBERSTARS (as made effective upon signature by FIBERSTARS' authorized representative), which shall provide, among other things: (i) FIBERSTARS' authorization to continue the Services and Custom Deliverables hereunder as scheduled and described in one or more milestones for the forthcoming calendar quarter; (ii) FIBERSTARS'... confirmation of the Periodic Payments associated with the performance and delivery of the Services and Custom Deliverables in the forthcoming calendar quarter pursuant to Section 4.1; or (iii) in the alternative, provide ADTL notice of termination or suspension of the Services and Custom Deliverables pursuant to the Section 3.2 and the other terms and conditions of this ADLT Development Agreement. View More
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