Rail Line Easement Property

Example Definitions of "Rail Line Easement Property"
Rail Line Easement Property. An area located along certain Airport property from where it enters the Airport, continuing into and out from the Rail Station Building, and continuing to the Maintenance Facility, as approximately shown on attached Exhibit "1." When on ground level the Rail Line Easement Property shall comprise the area from four (4) feet below the ground surface up to eighteen (18) feet above the top of the rail and +/- fifty (50) feet in width though it may exceed 50 feet in width where it includes property... that is rendered unusable (i.e. slivers of property north of Rail Line Easement Property south of S.R. 528 or embankments and slopes along the route). When on structure, the Rail Line Easement Property shall comprise the area below the rail to the base of the viaduct or bridge structure (approximately 10 feet) up to 18 feet above the rail and a width of +/- 50 feet which may be up to 145 feet wide through the Rail Station Building excluding platforms. The final Rail Line Easement Property location will be established by survey acceptable to the Authority, City and Rail Company attached to the Rail Line Easement. The maximum height of the Rail Line Easement Property in the area where the Rail Line Easement will be within the Runway Protection Zone for Runway 17L of the Airport will be 108 feet above mean sea level. The Rail Line Easement Property shall also include the foundation and bridge structures through the Rail Station Building and other bridge structures and foundations if they serve only the Rail Company View More
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