Rate Hedging Obligations

Example Definitions of "Rate Hedging Obligations"
Rate Hedging Obligations. Any and all obligations of the Company or any Subsidiary, whether absolute or contingent and howsoever and whensoever created, arising, evidenced or acquired (including all renewals, extensions and modifications thereof and substitutions therefor), under (i) any and all agreements designed to protect the Company or any Subsidiary from the fluctuations of interest rates, exchange rates or forward rates applicable to such party's assets, liabilities or exchange transactions, including, but not... limited to: interest rate swap agreements, dollar-denominated or cross-currency interest rate exchange agreements, forward currency exchange agreements, interest rate cap, floor or collar agreements, forward rate currency agreements or agreements relating to interest rate options, puts and warrants, and (ii) any and all agreements relating to cancellations, buy backs, reversals, terminations or assignments of any of the foregoing. View More
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