Rating Decline

Example Definitions of "Rating Decline"
Rating Decline. With respect to a Guaranteed Obligation, the occurrence of the following on, or within 90 days after, the date of the occurrence of a Release Event or of public notice of the intention to effect a Release Event (which period may be extended so long as the rating of such Guaranteed Obligation is under publicly announced consideration for possible downgrade by either of the Rating Agencies): (i) in the event such Guaranteed Obligation is assigned an Investment Grade Rating by both Rating Agencies... on the Rating Date, the rating of such Guaranteed Obligation by one or both of the Rating Agencies shall be below an Investment Grade Rating; or (ii) in the event such Guaranteed Obligation is rated below an Investment Grade Rating by either of the Rating Agencies on the Rating Date, any such below-Investment Grade Rating of such Guaranteed Obligation shall be decreased by one or more gradations (including gradations within rating categories as well as between rating categories). View More
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