Real Estate Tax Expenses

Example Definitions of "Real Estate Tax Expenses"
Real Estate Tax Expenses. All taxes and assessments, general or special, ordinary or extraordinary and foreseen or unforeseen, that are assessed, levied or imposed upon the Building and/or the Land, under any current or future taxation or assessment system or modification of or supplement or substitute for, such system, whether or not based on or measured by the receipts or revenues from the Building or the Land (including all taxes and assessments for public improvements or any other purpose and any gross receipts or... similar taxes). Real Estate Tax Expenses also shall include all reasonable expenses incurred by Landlord in obtaining or attempting to obtain a reduction of any such taxes, rates or assessments, including but not limited to legal fees, but shall not include any taxes on Tenant's Personal Property or other tenants' personal property, which taxes are the sole obligation of each tenant. View More
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