Registration Failure

Example Definitions of "Registration Failure"
Registration Failure. Means that, at any time following the Initial Filing Deadline, there is not, other than during an Allowable Grace Period, a Registration Statement that is effective and available for the resale of all of the Registrable Securities because (A) the Company has failed to timely file with the SEC any Registration Statement required to be filed pursuant to this Agreement, (B) the Company has failed to use its reasonable best efforts to obtain effectiveness with the SEC, prior to the applicable... Registration Deadline, and if such Registration Statement has not become effective prior to the applicable Registration Deadline, as soon as possible thereafter, of any Registration Statement that is required to be filed pursuant to this Agreement, or failed to use its reasonable best efforts to keep such Registration Statement current, effective and available for the resale of the Registrable Securities (including, as applicable, by amending or supplementing the Prospectus included therein), as required in Section 3 hereof. View More
Registration Failure. Means that, at any time following the Initial Filing Deadline, there is not, other than during an Allowable Grace Period, a Registration Statement that is effective and available for the resale of all of the Registrable Securities because (A) the Company has failed fails to timely file with the SEC on or before the Filing Deadline any Registration Statement required to be filed pursuant to this Agreement, Section 2(a) hereof, (B) the Company has failed fails to use its reasonable best efforts... to obtain effectiveness with the SEC, prior to the applicable Registration Deadline, and if such Registration Statement has does not become effective prior to the applicable Registration Deadline, as soon as possible thereafter, of any Registration Statement that is required to be filed pursuant to this Agreement, Section 2(a) hereof, or failed fails to use its reasonable best efforts to keep such Registration Statement current, current and effective and available for the resale of the Registrable Securities (including, as applicable, by amending or supplementing the Prospectus included therein), as required in Section 3 hereof. hereof, (C) the Company fails to file any additional Registration Statement required to be filed pursuant to Section 2(a)(ii) hereof on or before the Additional Filing Deadline or fails to use its reasonable best efforts to cause such additional Registration Statement to become effective on or before the Additional Registration Deadline, and if such effectiveness does not occur within such period, as soon as possible thereafter, or (D) the Registration Statement required to be filed hereunder, after its initial effectiveness and during the applicable Registration Period, lapses in effect or, other than on a day during an Allowable Grace Period, sales of all of the Registrable Securities cannot otherwise be made thereunder (whether by reason of the Company's failure to amend or supplement the Prospectus included therein in accordance herewith, the Company's failure to file and use its reasonable best efforts to obtain effectiveness with the SEC of an additional Registration Statement or amended Registration Statement required pursuant to Section 2(a)(ii) or 3(b) hereof, as applicable, or otherwise). 3 View More
View Variation
Registration Failure. That (A) the Company fails to file with the Securities and Exchange Commission on or before the Filing Deadline any Registration Statement required to be filed pursuant to Section 2(a), (B) the Company fails to obtain effectiveness with the Securities and Exchange Commission prior to the Registration Effectiveness Deadline of any Registration Statement that is filed pursuant to Section 2(a) or 2(c), or fails to use its best efforts to keep such Registration Statement current and effective, (C)... the Company fails to include in any Registration Statement filed pursuant to Section 2(c) all or any part of a Holder's Registrable Securities the Holder requests to be registered on such Registration Statement or (D) any Registration Statement required to be filed hereunder, after its initial effectiveness and during the Registration Period, lapses in effect or sales of all of the Registrable Securities cannot otherwise be made thereunder (whether by reason of the Company's failure to amend or supplement the prospectus included therein in accordance with this Agreement, the Company's failure to file and, use commercially reasonable best efforts to obtain effectiveness with the Securities and Exchange Commission of an additional Registration Statement required pursuant to Sections 2(c)) View More
Registration Failure. That (A) the Company fails to file with the SEC on or before the Filing Deadline (as defined in the Registration Rights Agreement) any Registration Statement required to be filed pursuant to Section 2(a) of the Registration Rights Agreement registering Conversion Shares (as defined below), (B) the Company fails use its best efforts to obtain effectiveness with the SEC, prior to the Registration Deadline (as defined in the Registration Rights Agreement), of any Registration Statement (as defined... in the Registration Rights Agreement) that is required to be filed pursuant to Section 2(a) of the Registration Rights Agreement registering Conversion Shares, or fails to keep such Registration Statement current and effective as required in Section 3 of the Registration Rights Agreement, (C) the Company fails to file any additional Registration Statement required to be filed pursuant to Section 2(a)(ii) of the Registration Rights Agreement registering Conversion Shares on or before the Additional Filing Deadline or fails to use its best efforts to cause such new Registration Statement to become effective on or before the Additional Registration Deadline, (D) the Company fails to file any amendment to any Registration Statement registering Conversion Shares, or any additional Registration Statement required to be filed pursuant to Section 3(b) of the Registration Rights Agreement registering Conversion Shares within twenty (20) days of the applicable Registration Trigger Date (as defined in the Registration Rights Agreement), or fails to use its best efforts to cause such amendment and/or new Registration Statement to become effective within forty-five (45) days of the applicable Registration Trigger Date, (E) any Registration Statement required to be filed under the Registration Rights Agreement registering Conversion Shares, after its initial effectiveness and during the Registration Period (as defined in the Registration Rights Agreement), lapses in effect or sales of any Conversion Shares constituting Registrable Securities (as defined in the Registration Rights Agreement) cannot otherwise be made thereunder (whether by reason of the Company's failure to amend or supplement the prospectus included therein in accordance with the Registration Rights Agreement, the Company's failure to file and to obtain effectiveness with the SEC of an additional Registration Statement registering Conversion Shares or amended Registration Statement required pursuant to Sections 2(a)(ii) or 3(b) of the Registration Rights Agreement, as applicable, or otherwise), and (F) the Company fails to provide a written response to any comments to the foregoing Registration Statements submitted by the SEC within twenty (20) days of the date that such SEC comments are received by the Company. View More
Registration Failure. Either (a) the Company has failed to file a Warrant Shares Registration Statement by the deadline required by the Registration Rights Agreement, or (b) if the Company has filed a Warrant Shares Registration Statement by the deadline required by the Registration Rights Agreement, such Warrant Shares Registration Statement has not been declared effective within six months after the termination of the offering under which this Warrant was issued.
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