
Example Definitions of "Registrations"
Registrations. All investigational new drug applications, all new drug applications and all abbreviated new drug applications, including, without limitation, the Avanafil IND and the MUSE NDA, and including in each case all supplements and amendments thereto, and all approvals, codes, permits, authorizations and licenses issued or approved by any Governmental Authority that are or may hereafter be held by VIVUS relating to the development, manufacture, warehousing, distribution, promotion, sale, importing or... pricing of the Royalty Products. View More
Registrations. All the pending, withdrawn and/or approved applications, including but not limited to INDs, NDAs and orphan drug applications and designations, registrations and approvals for each of the Licensed Products currently in the name of CyDex and filed with the FDA or any other Regulatory Authority, including all information therein, each as more particularly described in Exhibit C
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